There is no creator of the Hellenic Gods. They all emanated from the Divine Source, like everything else, which itself came from the Khaos.
In the beginning there was Khaos, an endless void of nothingness and emptyness. From this were born some Gods like Gaia (Earth), Ouranos (Sky), Erōs (Desire), Nux (Night), etc. These are called the Prōtogenoi, the Firstborn Gods. The tales of the order in which were born, and from whom (the Khaos, from Gaia, or another) vary greatly.
In any case, Ouranos was the King of the Gods, and Gaia his wife. They had many children, like the Kyklopes (Orb-Eyed Ones, Cyclopses), the Hekatonkheiroi (Hundred-Armed Ones), and the Titanes. Ouranos was so abhorred with some of his childrens uglyness he cast them into Erebus. Gaia was very sad and conspired with her Titan son Kronos. He and his Titan borthers and sisters rebelled, deposed, and castrated their father. His semen fell into the sea and from this Aphroditē was born.
Gaia and Ouranos gave Kronos an oracle that he would one day be deposed by his son as he deposed his father. Therefore, all the children his sister and wife Rhea bore him were consumed by him. Rhea was so grieved by this, when the sixth child was born she hid on Crete to give birth, and gave the child in care to local nymphs and daimones, then clothing a stone as a newborn with a blanket all around it, gave it to Kronos and he swallowed it whole.
The little baby Zeus grew up on Crete and eventually sought to avenge his sisters and brothers. He gathered an army and marche dunto his father, forcing him to regurgitate his children, who all came out in the order of which was eaten last. Together they, the Olympians, and their allies (including some Titanes) waged war upon the ruling Titanes and eventually overthrew them and chained them in Erebus or Tartaros. The Hekatonkeiroi were their guardians. After a while Zeus forgave them and set them free, making Kronos King of the Daimones on the Blessed Isles, who had been the humans living during the "Golden Age" of Kronos' rule.
This is how Zeus became King of the Gods, and he still governs the Kosmos with them.
The king of Greek gods, is the sky god, father of all gods, one of the big three, is Zeus.
Yes he was the king of the Greek Gods. Zeus was king of the Olympians. The earlier Greek gods were the Titans, and Kronos (father of Zeus) was their king. When referring to the Greek pantheon, it is generally always the Olympians who are referred to.
Zeus was not a Greek Hero, but was the King of the Greek Gods. He father was the Titan, Cronus.
He save his brothers and sisters from the stomach of their father, Kronos
The king of the Greek gods is married to the goddess Hera.
The king of Greek gods, is the sky god, father of all gods, one of the big three, is Zeus.
Yes he was the king of the Greek Gods. Zeus was king of the Olympians. The earlier Greek gods were the Titans, and Kronos (father of Zeus) was their king. When referring to the Greek pantheon, it is generally always the Olympians who are referred to.
Zeus, King of the Gods. Definetly
Zeus the king of the Greek Gods was the father of Hercules.
Apollo's father is Zeus, the king of the gods in Greek mythology.
Zeus was not a Greek Hero, but was the King of the Greek Gods. He father was the Titan, Cronus.
zeus is the greek king of the god!.
He save his brothers and sisters from the stomach of their father, Kronos
He was the king of the gods, and defeated Cronus, his father, and possessed Mount Olympus for the gods.
Since Zeus is the father of the gods and Zeus's father is Kronus the King of the father of the gods is Kronus.