They all made democracy.
Cleisthenes' famous quote dealt with the government doing what was best for the citizens. He was known to bring democracy to Athens.
Cleisthenes was important because he was known as the reformer of the constitution of Athens. He also began to point Athens in the way of becoming a democracy. He is known as "the father of Athenian democracy."
The Greek statesman Pericles then expanded the democracy. He was an Athenian statesman who had an impact on politics that remains today.
Cleisthenes - By setting up a constitution
Solon (594 BC), Cleisthenes (509 BC), and Ephialtes (462 BC) all contributed to the development of Athenian democracy. Historians differ on which of them was responsible for which institutions, and which of them most represented a truly democratic movement. It is most usual to date Athenian democracy from Cleisthenes, since Solon's constitution fell and was replaced by the tyranny of Peisistratus, whereas Ephialtes revised Cleisthenes' constitution relatively peacefully. Hipparchus, the brother of the tyrant Hippias, was killed by Harmodius and Aristogeiton, who were subsequently honored by the Athenians for their alleged restoration of Athenian freedom. The greatest and longest-lasting democratic leader was Pericles; after his death, Athenian democracy was twice briefly interrupted by oligarchic revolution towards the end of the Peloponnesian War. Cite:
Solon (594 BC), Cleisthenes (508/7 BC), and Ephialtes (462 BC) all contributed to the development of Athenian democracy. Historians differ on which of them was responsible for which institution, and which of them most represented a truly democratic movement. It is most usual to date Athenian democracy from Cleisthenes, since Solon's constitution fell and was replaced by the tyranny of Peisistratus, whereas Ephialtes revised Cleisthenes' constitution relatively peacefully. Hipparchus, the brother of the tyrant Hippias, was killed by Harmodius and Aristogeiton, who were subsequently honored by the Athenians for their alleged restoration of Athenian freedom.
Cleisthenes of ancient Athens is considered the founder of democracy
the Greeks invented democracy the Romans invented the republic * Cleisthenes was the first person to put democratic constitution into effect..
Cleisthenes in 508 BCE.
direct democracy
He is known as the father of democracy.
In 508 BCE.
Cleisthenes, the father of democracy.
Cleisthenes created the foundation of Athenian democracy.