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King Ahmose

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Q: The king who drove the hyksos out of Egypt was?
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Who was the king who drove the hyskos out of Egypt?

Ahmose I was the pharaoh who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt, thereby ushering in the New Kingdom.

Who was the king that drove the Hyksos out of Egypt?

The pharaoh Ahmose drove the Hyksos out of Egypt. With the help of weapons and chariots copied from the Hyksos, the Egyptians succeeded in taking back the delta.

What did prince ahmose do for Egypt?

he led an uprising that drove the Hyksos out of Egypt

Who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt and what was the result?

Egyptian prince Ahmose

Why is ahmose so important?

King Ahmose the First of Egypt founded the 18th Dynasty. He drove the Hyksos out of lower Egypt, and again unified the two kingdoms.

Who forced the kushites out of Egypt?

Ahmose I is the one who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt. Ahmose I was an Egyptian Pharaoh who ruled from 1539 to 1514 BCE.

Who invaded Egypt?

These people called the Hyksos. They came to Egypt in chariots , which the Egyptians had never seen before. About a 100 years later Egypt drove them out and then started the New Kingdom. After being taken over they started using chariots.

How did the new king kingdom of Egypt become so powerful wealthy?

after overthrowing the hyksos

Who were the Hyksos?

In my Journey Across Time textbook it says that the Hyksos were people that lived in Western Asia.They attacked Egypt.The Hyksos were mighty warriors.They crossed the desert in horse-drawn chariots and used weapons made of bronze and iron.Egyptians always fought on foot with copper and stone weapons.They were no match for the invaders. The Hyksos ruled Egypt for about 150 years.Then,around 1550b.c.,an Egyptian prince named Ahmose led an uprising that drove the Hyksos out of Egypt.:)

Is Ahmose during the middle kingdom?

yes he drove the Hyksos out of Egypt towards the end of the middle kingdom and then he ruled in the middle and new kingdoms.

Who defeated the hyksos?

The southern Theban Egyptians rose up in a revolt against the Hyksos. Three successive kings, Seqenenre Tao, Kamose, and Ahmose, fought continuously against the Hyksos and were able to drive them out of Ancient Egypt.

Who was the Egytian prince who drove out the Hyksos?
