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Q: The political doctrine that justified the restoration of traditional rulers?
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Who was responsible for burning Hugh latimer and nicholas ridley?

Mary Tudor, also known as Bloody Mary and Mary I the queen of England from 1516-1558, was responsible for the burning Hugh Latimer and Nicholas Ridley. Mary was a fervent Catholic and killed them because they rejected some tenements of Catholicism such as the doctrine of transubstantiation.

Who came up with word holy trinity?

The word is used to express the unity of three persons The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost in one God, the threefold personality of one Divine Being. The word is derived from the Greek 'trias' first used by Theophilus AD 168-183, It also comes from the Latin word 'trinitas' used by Tertullian in AD 220 to express this doctrine

What are two characteristics of the ancient Egyptian government?

Occultic/Esoteric(very hidden and secretive, multiple levels of understanding for different classes of people about the same object or doctrine) and symbollic(all their religion was festooned with special symbology representing their beliefs.

When and where did Saint John the Apostle become a saint?

The answer depends on whether "saint" is to be understood in the Roman Catholic sense or in the Biblical sense. Roman Catholic doctrine reserves the title "saint" to those who have been recognized as such by the Roman Catholic Church and declared so by the Pope. Not being Roman Catholic, I don't know when this was declared with regard to John. The Bible applies the word "saint" to all believers in Christ. Even though people are not holy (saint means holy person), through faith in Christ they are declared holy ("justified") and treated as holy by God. In Bible usage the word applies to both living and deceased believers. In Biblical usage, then, John became Saint John when he came to faith in Jesus as his Savior.

What were some of the Greek ideas that dominated European thinking?

The most important one was mathematics. Astronomy dominated science for centuries (Astronomy was considered a branch of mathematics). Aristotle's views of science continued to be taught as canon by the Catholic Church way beyond their usefulness. Plato cum Philo cum Plotinus influenced the early church in ways that are still part of Christian doctrine today. Concepts like logos, spiritual interpretations of natural events, mystical union with the devine, dividing of personality into body and soul, and even personal salvation, all come from Greek ideas. Especially from the neo-Platonic interpretation of Plato's dialogues.

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The doctrine of the divine right of kings justified what?

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doctrine means, a principle of religious or political ect, belief.

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