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The greeks had the best type of government to ever grace this earth. This type of government is still featured today in the famous stream "Twitch plays pokemon". This government is reffered to as Helixism, Which is a system in which the helix fossil rules all media, market, and government desicions. The Next Helix fossil in line for the throne (the next pokemon game's helix fossil) is then put into power. ALL HAIL THE HELIX! PRAISE THE HELIX!

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10y ago
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15y ago

Athens democracy was like that. People made decisions for the ruling of the city. They never let any person get so much power that he could rule the city. Once a year there was vote held If anyone wanted to stop another one from getting power he wrote his or her name on a piece of broken pottery called ostraca. If 1 person's name was found on more than 6,000 ostraca, that person was ostracasized-force to leave the city for 10 years.

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9y ago

Both Greece and Rome had Direct Democracies.

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14y ago

A non-representative democracy.A direct democracy.

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12y ago

true democracy

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Greece had a Direct democracy

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Q: The type of democracy practiced in ancient Athens?
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Did the ancient Athenians invent democracy?

Yes. Democracy was invented in Athens and used relatively successfully (compared to modern standards) for hundreds of years.* Yes * There democracy was a direct democracy * In a direct democracy people decide laws and policies at mass meetingsYes, Athens had a democracy. Pericles, a strong political leader, furthered and promoted Athenian democracy, but did not invent or have the idea of a democracy in Athens.

What type of rulership did ancient greek have?

Ancient Greece had a system of government known as democracy, particularly in the city-state of Athens. However, it is important to note that not all Greek city-states practiced democracy, as some were ruled by tyrants and others had oligarchies (rule by a few wealthy individuals).

What type of democracy was practiced in ancient Greece?

Ancient Greece created the Citizens assembly which was made up of male citizens of Athens who voted on various issues. There was also a council that was responsible for the daily operations of Athens.

What was democracy in Ancient Greece?

A democracy is a type of government that we Americans use today. Democracy means "rule by the people" . In other words, meaning the citizens of ancient Greece had the freedom to vote or to have many other rights in their city-state. Athens used democracy. Hoped this helped! :)

What kind of government did Athens have?

Ancient Athens type of government was democracy. They had a democratic rule.

Why does peaceful Athens Exists today and warrior Sparta doesn't?

Peaceful Athens exist today because the type of government is democracy and Sparta is oligarchy and democracy went on but not oligarchy. We still have the type of government democracy today.

Ancient Athens is considered more democratic than ancient Rome because in Athens there was a direct democracy requiring citizens to have direct input into laws and policies whereas in Ancient Rome the?

If you are looking for what type of goverment system Ancient Rome had, then this would be a Republic, where citizens elected officials, that would create the law. In theory, yes, this would make Athens more democratic.

Why are the type of governments of Athens from earliest to latest?

Monarchy, oligarchy, tyranny, limited democracy, radical democracy, oligarchy, limited democracy,.

What type of government did the ancient Greece have?


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What type of government did the Greece practice in the city state Athens?

direct democracy.