You are confusing your female-associated monsters.
Sirens were those mythological sea nymphs in Greek mythology that sang such songs that anyone who heard them had to approach, which caused the ships to sink and the sailors to drown, but they weren't "half-bird". Those were the Harpies.
They were used by the Gods to show the weakness of man, ie they lured sailors to an untimely death on the rocks of the island they sang from.
In Greek mythology, Sirens were women with the body of a large bird and the head of a woman. They were not harpies, although several depictions give them similarities to harpies. They appeared as beautiful women to sailors, and would sing beautiful songs, so the sailors would steer their ships toward them. The Sirens lived on a rocky island though, so whenever sailors passed, they would steer their ship toward the Sirens and the ship would crash and sink on the rocks. If you listened to the songs and got away alive, however, they were supposed to make you wiser. The Greek hero Odysseus (called Ulysses by the Romans) wanted to hear their songs, so he tied himself to the mast and plugged his crew's ears with wax. Sirens are often associated with mermaids.
The Land of the Sirens is a mythical area in the Mediterranean Sea that comes up a lot in Greek Mythology. It is most famously used in the book The Odyssey, by Homer. Where Odysseus and his crew have to row by it. On this land, there are sirens. These Sirens are supernatural women that produce lovely songs. They are so lovely, that they lure sailors in. When the sailors are lured in too far, they hit the jagged rocks surrounding the island, and their ship wrecks. Odysseus instructs his crew to fill their ears with wax, so they will not hear the songs. He is then tied to the ship mast, so he can hear the beautiful songs, but not instruct his crew to sail there. As much as he begs and pleads, they do not sail there, and they continue to journey back to Odysseus's land of Ithaca.
Odysseus sailed his ship past the reefs where sirens sing, irresistibly drawing sailors to wreck their ships on the rocks. He had his men put wax into their ears to block the songs. However, he wanted to hear the songs, and if not tied to the mast, he would have tried to go to the sirens and would have drowned.
"on the rocks"
In Greek mythology, sirens were creatures that lured sailors to their doom with their enchanting voices, causing ships to crash on the rocks. The sailors who heard the sirens' song were unable to resist its allure and would steer their ships towards the dangerous rocks, leading to shipwrecks and death.
They were used by the Gods to show the weakness of man, ie they lured sailors to an untimely death on the rocks of the island they sang from.
I think it has to do with the mythical sirens who lured sailors to their death with their beauty and their haunting songs causing them to sail into the rocks.
THE SEIRENES (or Sirens) were three sea nymphs who lured sailors to their death with a bewitching song. They were formerly handmaidens of the goddess Persephone. When the girl was secretly abducted by Haides, Demeter gave them the bodies of birds, and sent to assist in the search. They eventually gave up and settled on the flowery island of Anthemoessa. It was an island - not rocks The Rhine Maidens (German sirens in the River Rhine) lived on a rock called the Lorelei
The sirens were the mystical creatures in Homer's "The Odyssey" who lured sailors to their death with their enchanting voices and music. They would sing beautiful songs to attract passing sailors, causing them to steer towards the treacherous rocks where their ships would crash and sink. Odysseus successfully navigated this perilous encounter by having his crew plug their ears with beeswax and tie him to the mast so he could hear the sirens' song without succumbing to its deadly lure.
Depends on which stories you believe - obviously, the one that fell in love with Tom Hanks in Splash was sweet and even a bit innocent in her own way, but the ones that sat on the rocks and lured unsuspecting sailors to their death - the Sirens, not so much.
The Sirens were beautiful but spiteful spirits whose song would attract passing sailors, who would be lured to their deaths when their ships crashed on the rocks below.
The legend of Lorelei is a German folk tale about a beautiful maiden who sat on a rock overlooking the Rhine River and sang enchanting songs. It is said that her songs would distract sailors, leading to their ships crashing against the rocks and sinking. Some versions of the legend suggest that Lorelei was a siren or water spirit who lured men to their doom.
the sirens kill people by singing a bewitching song that lures sailors to there death by crashing into rocks.
There were various temptresses, apart from the women in the portside bars.Mermaids were half women and half fish and would take an unwary matelot down into the deep.The sirens sang to them from rocks and drew them to crashing their boat against the rocks.
The sirens in the Odyssey pose a threat to sailors by luring them with their enchanting songs, causing them to steer their ships towards the dangerous rocks where their vessels would crash and sink. Their irresistible music leads sailors to their demise by tempting them with promises of knowledge and pleasure. Odysseus and his crew avoid this fate by following Circe's advice to plug their ears with wax and tie Odysseus to the mast so he can listen without being lured in.
The Sirens were young and beautiful bird-woman (similar to harpies) in Greek Mythology who lured sailors with their enchanting voices. Sailors entranced this way dove into the sea to be with the Sirens, or sailed their ships into the rocks and to their death. The Sirens are most famous for being in Homer's Odyssey where they tried to lure Odysseus on his way home from Troy. They were given wings by Demeter to look for Persephone when she was taken as the sirens usually accompanied Persephone. They were considered the daughters of the river god Achelous, fathered upon Terpsichore, Melpomene, Sterope, or Chthon.