The city of Argos is not only the oldest city in Greece having been an urban settlement for the last 7,000 years but also competes very closely with Athens to be the oldest city in the whole of Europe.
Greece - and then Rome. To be more specific, she was worshipped in the Parthanon is Athens, Greece. It is one of the oldest Greek temples in Greece.
The Culture of China is one of the world's oldest and most complex cultures.The area in which the culture is dominant covers a large geographical region in eastern Asia with customs and traditions varying greatly between towns, cities and Province_(China)
At the center is courtyards, plaza's, and city squares. Hope that helps you!
Nike was born before the olympians! She is one of the oldest goddesses. she had 3 powerful brothers and helped Zuez with the Titan war!
Minoan civilisation in Crete.
Aboriginal Australians are the oldest continuous culture on Earth.
The Parthenon
4 cultures are categlorized as the 4 oldest cultures in history.1.Babylon2.Hindu3.Chinese4.EgyptianI think Chinese culture isn't the oldest but one of the oldest in the history of human civilizations.(list is NOT ordered from oldest to latest.)
Obviously, the indigenous Australians, or Aboriginal culture, is the oldest surviving culture in Australia. They were here long before the Europeans.
No, Egyptian culture isn't the oldest culture. In fact, Judaism is the oldest one. Jews have been around for thousands of years. Remember Noah's Ark, when Noah and his family were the only survivors? Well, Noah and his family were Jewish.