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Germany went to war for many reasons. In WWII, they went to war because they wanted to control the countries surrounding Germany.

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Q: This is why Germany went to war..?
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Germany was punished for its role in World War I by the requirement of war reparations. Germany was unable to pay the high costs and eventually went into complete economic failure.

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The Assassination of Arch-Duke Ferdinand Ferdinand's death only explains why Austria and Serbia went to war. Britain came into the conflict against Germany because of Germany's invasion of Belgium.

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Britain went to war with Germany because Hitler wouldn't stop his invasion of Poland when the british told him to

Did Germany and Japan were justified in waging war?

This is an opinion question, there is not a specific answer. Look at the reasons that Germany and Japan went to war, and then you can determine for yourself if they were justified.

Why did France go into World War I?

France went into World War 1 because it had an alliance with Russia. When Germany declared war on Russia, France went to help its ally.

Where did the war that went on in 1939 when France declared war on Germany take place?

France was not the only country that went to war with Germany. Britain and America also helped. However, France went to war with Germany because Germany had invaded most of France. So the allied powers(America, Britain, and France) attacked Germany. On June 6 1944. that day was called D-day.(or operation overload) when America invated Germany and caused Germany to surrender. Not strictly true. Britain and France declared war on Germany on 3 September 1939 - two days after Germany had invaded Poland. Germany didn't attack France until April !940. Germany declared war on the United States on 11 December 1941.