The time that equaled a year in the ancient time was called "anno"
they grew their crops in springtime
Early-Late Spring.
Every four years. The four year period between games was an Olympiad.
The River Nile flooded every year between June and September, in a season the Egyptians called akhet - the inundation. When the floods receded a thick rich mud (black silt) was left and this was excellent soil to plant in.
Remembering that there was no year zero, this time period, which was the time of the Roman Empire, lasted 984 years.
134 bc
it depenns on what time of year
a long time ago
the year it was wrote and the time it was wrote
they grew their crops in springtime
Early-Late Spring.
While training to fight Cell, Goku and Gohan went into the Hyperbolic Time Chamber (Room of Spirit and Time in Japanese) to train. 1 year of training in the chamber equaled 1 day on earth. During that time Gohan learned to go Super Saiyan.
A civilization is not simple 'created'. It grows and develops over time.
Ancient Egypt. There is never a direct reference to any year.
In ancient time. So far back no one knows.
December in ancient Rome was once the 10th and last month of the year
Ancient India was in the C.E. time period. Of course the Indians would not know that, so if you are doing a project, then do not write a date.