To collect taxes, judge legal cases, manage the police, and recruit soldiers for the Persian army.
no niggaa are you crazy
They met when Pain sent Sasori, Kisame, and Itachi to find Deidara to recruit him for the Akatsuki. Once Deidara joined the Akatsuki, he and Sasori became partners.
Royal Family Landed Aristocracy Gentry (Church, Army, Law, Colonial Administrators) - which needed to recruit new members, who were drawn from the more successful industrialists, who sent their sons to boarding-schools for suitable cultural training. Industrialists Clerks, shopkeepers Skilled Tradesmen The Workers (large majority, who did not have the vote)
Pharaohs became rulers through birth- they were sometimes born into positions, but usually it was assigned through a strategic system; 1) Elders and the elite would select and vote for the best and brightest figures--be they war heroes, scholars, a member of the elite, or some how favored positions in the Egyptian government. 2) After selected, then the person would become pharaoh--but this often took place over a period of several years---unless born into.
There are currently no civilian military recruiters. The military uses its own soldiers as recruiters because they have the experience and can be an example to those they recruit.
Roman soldiers had been recruited from those who had property (small farms) to which they could return after a period of service. With the Germanic invasion and early losses, there were no longer enough and it was necessary to recruit from the non-propertied class. On discharge, they relied on their generals to get them some farmland to settle on.
Recruit as a noun means a new member of a group or organization or a new member of the armed forces. As a verb, recruit means to enlist someone for military service, to get new members for an organization, or to get new supplies of anything lost. As noun: The new recruit waited to be inducted into the club. The recruit walked into his assigned barracks. As verb: Current members of the club should recruit new members to help the club grow. The sergeant worked hard to recruit new soldiers.
They will recruit him for their team. The new recruit had trouble keeping up with the older soldiers.
You have to research it at the academy
the good ones
To engage people for military service.
The army are looking to recruit new anybody looking to recruit a freelance writer?He was a new recruit in the company.
He recruited regular soldiers, militia, Indians (Native Americans), black troops, and Jean Lafitte's pirates
Each of the 5 US Military branches will recruit a young male US citizen from the age 17 and up, the military does not recruit on an equal opportunity basis like every other employer. If you qualify you can enlist, that simple. If you want to put it in numbers the US Army will always have a higher enlistment amount being that they are the largest fighting force and enlist on average 140,000 new soldiers a year where the others will average 15,000 to 30,000 new soldiers a year. The reason we the military have a higher male to female ratio is that there are more males than females looking at enlistment.
Military recruiters should not enter public schools to recruit because students are easily manipulated.
He's released from processing to get in to the military.