the answer is false
The symbol was an eagle, and the motto was SPQR, which, when translated, read, the senate and the population of Rome.
They were referred to as: Cediles, Acrodemcrats, Mastees, Regroaelioepolitics, or Reptstuses
If a senator chose to be active in politics, his job was to debate and vote on issues. His job during the period of the emperors was to advise and consent. At any time he could put up a proposal for a law and have it debated in the senate. He also acted as a kind of juror for treason trials of high ranking citizens.
The word originates in ancient Rome. It shares a common root with the latin word "senex" which means "old man" The implication being that the senate should be composed of old men.
The special garment the Senate in the republic ancient Rome wore was the toga.
Ancient Rome
The senate and the Emperor.
The term "senate" comes from the ancient government of Rome.
The Senate
The Senate
They didn't, that's impossible since the Senate was a building.
There were no officials in the Roman senate. This senate was an advisory body, not an executive one.
The Roman Senate .
The senate.
the answer is false