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Q: Two great ancient civilizations whose rediscovered writings were known as the classics?
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What did monks create that helped preserve religious writings as well as the ideas of ancient rome and Greece?

The monks created manuscripts of the religious writings and the writings of ancient Rome and Greece. They were able to preserve the ancient writings because the church authorities saw nothing contrary to Christian dogma in them.The monks created manuscripts of the religious writings and the writings of ancient Rome and Greece. They were able to preserve the ancient writings because the church authorities saw nothing contrary to Christian dogma in them.The monks created manuscripts of the religious writings and the writings of ancient Rome and Greece. They were able to preserve the ancient writings because the church authorities saw nothing contrary to Christian dogma in them.The monks created manuscripts of the religious writings and the writings of ancient Rome and Greece. They were able to preserve the ancient writings because the church authorities saw nothing contrary to Christian dogma in them.The monks created manuscripts of the religious writings and the writings of ancient Rome and Greece. They were able to preserve the ancient writings because the church authorities saw nothing contrary to Christian dogma in them.The monks created manuscripts of the religious writings and the writings of ancient Rome and Greece. They were able to preserve the ancient writings because the church authorities saw nothing contrary to Christian dogma in them.The monks created manuscripts of the religious writings and the writings of ancient Rome and Greece. They were able to preserve the ancient writings because the church authorities saw nothing contrary to Christian dogma in them.The monks created manuscripts of the religious writings and the writings of ancient Rome and Greece. They were able to preserve the ancient writings because the church authorities saw nothing contrary to Christian dogma in them.The monks created manuscripts of the religious writings and the writings of ancient Rome and Greece. They were able to preserve the ancient writings because the church authorities saw nothing contrary to Christian dogma in them.

Where do scholars find ancient writings today?

Most of the ancient writings are found in the middle east, Africa and Asia.

Can you give me a sentence using ancient?

The Aztecs were a part of ancient civilizations.

The Renaissance was a rebirth of ancient classics and ideas from what region?

Rome and Greece

What ancient civilizations named constellations?

Ancient Civilization has Greek mythology that they believe in.

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What were the two great ancient cilvilizations whose rediscovered writings were known as classics?

Greek and Roman.

Why do archaeologist and historians try to find artifacts and writings from ancient civilizations?

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What is Hieroglphys?

OKAY! did u ever go to skool? cuz they teach u what they are. hieroglyphs are writings that they ancient civilizations used.

Does anybody know about ancient Greece and ancient rome a lot?

The study of classics is the study of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Classics was they mainstay of the education of the European elites for centuries. Many universities still have classics departments with classics professors, lecturers and students.

How did Turkish conquest east of Europe contribute to the growth of the Renaissance?

Because of the raids in the Byzantine Empire, scholars brought ancient writing with them while trying to escape the Turks. Most of the works were brought to Italy, and they were Classical writings, the same as the ones found in Greek writings. They searched for writings in Latin, and rediscovered the Classical culture and that is what started the Renaissance.

How did Turkish conquests east of Europe contribute to the growth of the Renaissance?

Because of the raids in the Byzantine Empire, scholars brought ancient writing with them while trying to escape the Turks. Most of the works were brought to Italy, and they were Classical writings, the same as the ones found in Greek writings. They searched for writings in Latin, and rediscovered the Classical culture and that is what started the Renaissance.

What do you call the ancient writings in Egypt?

Ancient Egyptian writings are called hieroglyphics.

How did the Renaissance lead to trade a commercial revoluation that paved the way for explonation of the American?

During the Renaissance, cartographers (mapmakers) rediscovered the teachings and writings of the ancient Greeks and Romans, which led to advances in navigation (and therefore exploring the world).

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Among all the Ancient Civilizations you have treated in this course, which of the Ancient Civilizations do yo like most, Why

What were the classics in the Renaissance?

In the Renaissance, the classics consisted of ancient Greek and ancient Roman works of philosophy. It also included drama, history, and fiction works.

What are date discover of each planets?

Mercury: Known to ancient civilizations. Venus: Known to ancient civilizations. Earth: Known to ancient civilizations. Mars: Known to ancient civilizations. Jupiter: Known to ancient civilizations. Saturn: Known to ancient civilizations. Uranus: Discovered by William Herschel in 1781. Neptune: Discovered by Johann Galle and Heinrich d'Arrest in 1846. Pluto: Discovered by Clyde Tombaugh in 1930 (now considered a dwarf planet).

Why do archaeologists and historians try to find artifacts and writings from ancient civilizations?

Archaeologists study written sources to study human life and historians study artifacts to find more about history.