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Under Germanic Law, a wrongdoer had to pay wergild, or "money for a man,: to the family of the person he injured or killed.

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Q: Under early germanic law a wrongdoer had to pay?
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What was an ordeal in germanic law?

The "ordeal" in Germanic law was a means of determining guilt. This law was based on divine intervention. All ordeals iinvolved a physical trial of some sort, such as holding a red-hot iron. It was believed that divine forces would not allow an innocent person to be harmed. If the accused person was unharmed after a physical trial, or ordeal, he or she was presumed innocent. SOURCE: WORLD HISTORY TEST BOOK FROM MCGRAW HILL/GLENCO. (COPYRIGHT 2007) Page 287.

What is Tuesday named after?

from Wikipedia : The name Tuesday derives from the Old English "Tiwesdæg" and literally means "Tiw's Day". Tiw is the Old English form of the Proto-Germanic god *Tîwaz, or t-r-2inNorse, a god of war and law.

How was ancient Egyptian government organized?

The god was at the top then the pharaoh was under the god then the kings under them were the law enforcement under them were the scribes and under them were the citizens and finally the slaves.

What lasting principles of law did Romans develop?

1) All citizens have the right to equal treatment under law.2) A person is considered innocent until proven guilty.3) The burden of proof rests with the accuser rather than the accused.4) Any law that seems unreasonable or grossly unfair can be set aside.

What is the inportance of Hammurabi?

Hammurabi was one king of the Babylonian Empire around 7000 BC. (I could be off on my date.) During his rule, a well known code of law was followed and ha been found and translated. We call this code of law Hammurabi's Code. This important artifact supported the idea that civilization were less nomadic and more established, that law and order existed in early civilization, and that the chronology present in the Torah and Bible are true.

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Under Germanic law if an accused person was unharmed after a physical trial or he or she was presumed innocent?


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What is lex talionis?

he principle or law of retaliation that a punishment inflicted should correspond in degree and kind to the offense of the wrongdoer, as an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; retributive justice.

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Labor Unions.

What were the working people's organizations often considered illegal under early American law?

Labor Union

What is the difference between law of tort and law of crimes?

The law of tort focuses on civil wrongs that result in harm or injury to individuals, allowing the injured party to seek compensation from the wrongdoer. In contrast, the law of crimes deals with criminal offenses that are considered harmful to society as a whole, leading to punishment of the offender by the state.

What were the three methods of determining innocence in Germanic law?

compensation trial by ordeal oath swearing

What two of examples in law?

Contracts: These are legally binding agreements between two parties outlining their obligations and rights. Torts: This area of law covers civil wrongs that cause harm or loss to individuals or property, which may result in legal liability for the wrongdoer.

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Retribution is the punishment given to a wrongdoer as a form of payback or retribution for their actions. Rehabilitation is the process of helping a person who has committed a crime to change their behavior and reintegrate back into society as a law-abiding citizen.

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