The #1 important was Aquarius because Aquarius is Greek.
No. The Greek gods were just as important.
It was home of the Greek gods and goddesses.
They were both important Greek gods.
They were the sources of answer for things like "why is there lightning" Answer Zeus was throwing it They knew no other gods and yes, they were a superstitous lot
I relate the greek gods and goddesses, as follows: Ares = Aries Dionysus = Taurus Hermes = Gemini Hera = Cancer Hephaestus = Leo Artemis = Virgo Athena = Libra Aphrodite = Scorpio Apollo = Saggitarius Demeter = Capricorn Zeus = Aquarius Poseidon = Pisces
No. The Greek gods were just as important.
he is supposed to be a handsome man that Zeus sent an eagle to become immortal with the gods and he is the water-bearer for the gods
Aquarius is named after the water bearer of the gods.
There are three important gods namely Zeus ,Posidone and Hades
They were dedicated to their gods
Yes they were named after Greek gods. They are the same gods same power but different names. The most important gods are named after planets
Their gods were as important to them as ours is to us.
The constellation Aquarius takes its name from the Latin name meaning water bearer. Having roots leading back to ancient Babylon, the constellation Aquarius has always been associated with a vase overflowing with water. In Babylon this was the representation of the god Ea. This filtered down into Greek mythology and is most commonly associated in modern times with the Greek youth Ganymede who was the water boy of the gods.
Aquarius is called Ydrochóos in Greek.
It was home of the Greek gods and goddesses.
Aquarius' origin is Greek and Latin