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Q: Was Egypt or Mesopotamia the most advanced civilization?
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What is the most interesting ancient civilization?

Rome is the most ancient civilization or China, or Egypt or Greece, or Persia, or Olmec, or Mesopotamia, or Inca, or Itruscan or Ottoman

What culture or civilization most influenced ancient Egypt?

Since ancient Egypt was one of the first civilizations, they actually influenced many civilizations. However, Mesopotamia, Rome, and Greece influenced Egypt.

What is the most advanced mesoamerican civilization?

I believe that the Mayan civilization was the most advanced because they had a fully developed written language based on syllables.

How did the Inca roads impact the civilization positively?

The Inca roads served as a communication and transportation network, enabling the empire to efficiently govern and administer its vast territories. They also facilitated trade, allowing for the exchange of goods and ideas across different regions. Additionally, the roads promoted cultural exchange and unity among diverse communities within the Inca civilization.

What was Southeast Asia most advanced early civilization?

The Chinese dynasties.

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Where did Egyptian civilization arise?

The cradle of Egypt most anthropologists place in Alexandria. Egypt

How did artists from Mesopotamia Egypt Greece and Rome reflect their beliefs of the time into their artwork?

Mythology and religion are by far the most usual subjects of ancient art work from Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece and Rome.

What best describes how the people of the harappan civilization were unique compared to those of the most other ancient civilization?

The people of the Harappan civilization were unique compared to those of most other ancient civilization. They were monotheistic, they traded with Mesopotamia, and mummified the dead.

What best describe how the people of the harappan civilization were unique compared to those of most other ancient civilization?

The people of the Harappan civilization were unique compared to those of most other ancient civilization. They were monotheistic, they traded with Mesopotamia, and mummified the dead.

What was southeast asias most advanced early civilization called?

The Chinese dynasties.

The Mesopotamians had a generally pessimistic view of life How do the arts of their civilization reveal this?

Type your answer here...In Mesopotamia, life was uncertain (the rivers were difficult to control .... Most examples of ancient art and architecture originally something to do .... Their buildings and their art reveal the influence of Syria, Asia Minor, and Egypt. ... least from the point of view of the development of western civiliThe earliest evidence of human civilization in South Asia is from the Mehrgarh .....The Sramanas cultivated a pessimistic world view of the samsara as full of suffering and ... The Roman Empire had the most advanced set of technology of theirtime, .... Handbook to Life in Ancient Mesopotamia. New York: Oxford UP. ...