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Hercules was a hero of Sparta. I bet you $90

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Q: Was Hercules a spartan
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What are the release dates for Hercules - 1998 Hercules and the Spartan Experience 1-41?

Hercules - 1998 Hercules and the Spartan Experience 1-41 was released on: USA: 4 January 1999

Who were some Greek heroes?

Hercules Thiseas Leonidas the Spartan

Was Ares the main spartan god?

no because he ran to Zeus when ever hurt and he sided with the Trojans during the Trojan war and it would be Zeus due to his son being Hercules how the s spartan s they said were descended from him them selfs

What exactly is Leonidas famous for?

Leonidas was an ancient Greek king. He was believed to be the descendant of Hercules, so supposedly possessed incredible strength. He was a spartan king,well known for his role in the battle of thermopylae.

What spartan program did spartan 117 originate from?

the SPARTAN-II program

Which type of spartan in halo came first spartan 2 or spartan 3?

The spartan 2 came first. The spartan 3 came after the spartan 2s. The spartan 3s technically never were introduced in the game, just in books. Also, only one spartan 3 survived Onyx.

What is spartan in Latin?

Spartan - Lacedaemonius

Are there more Spartans than master chief still alive?

Yes, there are heaps, but you will only hear about them in the books. Spartan-006: Jai Spartan-058: Linda Spartan-062: Maria Spartan-084: Fhajad Spartan-087: Kelly Spartan-104: Frederick Spartan-111: Adriana Spartan-117: John (Master Chief)

How do you spell spartan?

"Spartan" is spelled as S-P-A-R-T-A-N.

Who is SPARTAN-N93 from the Halo Universe?

Mike is a Spartan Commando (aka Spartan III) who is MIA with SPARTAN-168. He is trapped under a debris of rock in a camp.

When was spartan created?

Spartan Scout was created in 2003.

What education system was better athenian or spartan and why?
