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yes, he got drunk and murdered his family Not exactly. Hercules was driven to madness and murder through no fault of his own, but he still performed the Twelve Labors as atonement for the killing of his family. Atonement is by definition a voluntary punishment. If it is not voluntary, it is not atonement.

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16y ago
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14y ago

For some, but Hercules makes sure he gets punished for a crime.

For example, Hercules did, indeed, kill his first wife Megara and his children. However, this was due to a fit of madness sent upon him by Hera. He was very upset when he realized what he did, which eventually resulted in his completion of the 12 labors.

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13y ago

Because Hera cursed Hercules with insane fits, he killed his children. To atone for his sins, he had to perform twelve labors for his cousin, Eurytheus, King of Mycenae and patron of Hera.

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12y ago

Yes, in the myths he was found guilty and was then told to carry out what is now known as 'The Twelve Labors of Hercules'.

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For one matter, Hercules is actually the Roman form of the Greek Heracles. He was named this for the same reason anything is named.

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The priestess or oracle told him to go to the King Eurystheus of Tiryns because there he would be punished for his wrong doings. If he completed the tasks set before him he would become immortal.

How is greek god Hercules attitude?

hes really caring and trieds to do anything to help.hes a very nice person