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No, a Pegasus is not a god. A Pegasus was a winged horse found in Greek and Roman mythology.

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Q: Was Pegasus a god
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Related questions

Why is pegasus a constellations?

because a great god named Zeus turned Pegasus into a constellation.

How did pegasus die?

Pegasus did not die she was turned into a constillation from the great god Zeus

Who are medusas children?

medusa's child was pegasus. pegasus came out of medusa's body when medusa's head got cut off. unlike medusa, pegasus was a very good god.

What god was Bellerophon?

Bellerophon was not a god. He tried to fly on Pegasus up to Olympus, but failed.

Which Greek god soared away on Pegasus and killed the Chimera?

Bellerophon. He was not a god, but a mortal hero.

Did pegasus die?

No he just became honnorable by a famous greek god and the god made a constilation for him.

Are pegasuss real?

You mean is Pegasus real. You see, Pegasus is a Greek god. Not a species. Yes. He is real. In myth, the stars, books, and imagination.

How Pegasus got his name?

Pegasus got his name from Greek mythology. In the myths, Pegasus was a divine winged horse that was fathered by Poseidon, the god of the sea, and was born from the blood of Medusa when she was slain by Perseus. The name "Pegasus" is derived from the Greek word "Pegasos," meaning "strong" or "spring."

Who is pegasus mom?

Pegasus' family is the gorgon, Medusa ( MUM ) an Greek God Poseidon (DAD). Brother Chrysaor. Grandpearents are Cronus and Rhea (POSEIDONS SIDE) and Phorcys and Ceto ( MEDUSAS SIDE).

What is Pegasus the mythical creature known for?

Pegasus was a winged horse sired by Poseidon who was the god of the sea in Greek Mythology. The name Pegasus means Spring Well, everywhere the winged horse struck his hoof to the earth, an inspiring spring burst forth. :)

Who would win Pegasus or Cerberus?

Hydra would win beacause he has so many heads

How many Beyblade pegasus are there and which are the best?

There are 5 types of Pegasus legend Cyber pegasus,storm pegasus,galaxy pegasus,big bang Pegasus and wing Pegasus The best is wing pegasus