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Q: Was akhenaten the last powerful pharaoh of Egypt?
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Related questions

How did Cleopatra get famous?

because she was the most powerful and the last Pharaoh of Egypt

Who was the last pharaoh to ruled Egypt?

Cleopatra was the last pharaoh to to rule ancient Egypt.

Were Cleopatra related to Akhenaten?

Cleopatra was not directly related to Akhenaten. Akhenaten ruled as Pharaoh of Egypt from 1353-1336 BCE, while Cleopatra lived much later, ruling as the last active Pharaoh in the late 1st century BCE. However, both Akhenaten and Cleopatra belonged to the same dynasty, the Ptolemaic dynasty, which was of Macedonian Greek origin.

Who was the last lady pharaoh?

Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of Egypt, although she was from Greece.

What did Cleopatra do in Egypt or invent?

She was the last Pharaoh of Egypt.

Who who was the last queen of Egypt?

The last queen of Egypt was Cleopatra VII

Did Cleopatra die while she was pharaoh?

Yes, Cleo died when she was a Pharaoh. she was the last Pharaoh of Egypt.

What name was given to the leader of ancient Egyptian society?

King Tutankhamun was famous for the discovery of his tomb. However, he was not a very important pharaoh. Important pharaohs(important because of trade,monuments, religion, war and stability) are pharaohs such as Hatshepsut, Akhenaten, Ramses ii, Tuthmosis iii, etc.

Who were the major pharaohs of ancient Egypt?

- Khufu : he built the great pyramid of Giza - Cleopatra : she was the very last Pharaoh - Hatshepsut : she was the first woman to rule as pharaoh in good times - Akhenaten : he changed the religion - Ramses II : he was the second longest ruling Pharaoh and had many monument built - Zoser : he built the first pyramid

The last pharaoh of ancient Egypt?

cookies in the cupboard

Was Cleopatra a regent?

No she was a Pharaoh, the last one in Egypt.

Who was the last great pharaoh of Egypt?

I think that Cleopatra VII was the best ruler because she does all this crazy for her Egypt and no one likes that she is one the best and she should be the answer of this question really because she was the last ruler of Egypt.