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Q: Was attica a city or city state in ancient Greece?
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What part of Ancient Greece was the city-state Megara in?

The city-state of Megara was and still is a part of the Attica peninsula

Was there a roman general called Attica?

NO. Attica was a region of Greece. The main city state of Attica was Athens.

What three areas made up a city-state (ancient Greece)?

Asia minor, Thessaly ,and Attica

Is ATTICA in Greece?

Attica is indeed a prefecture of Greece. This is the prefecture were the Capital city of Greece, Athens, belongs too.

In Ancient Greece what was the capital of Attica?

Athens. However, it is worth noting that during the Era of Ancient Greece, the city-states were not united in anything other than local alliances. As a result, Athens was only the capital of the Attica region.

Is Greece a city state?

No, Ancient Greece was not a city state. city sates were part of Greece

Which City in attica named for goddess?

The city in Attica named after the goddess Athena is Athens. It is the capital of Greece and is known for its rich history and ancient monuments dedicated to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, courage, and inspiration.

What are attica and peloponnesus?

the largest Greek peninsulas

City-state of ancient Greece?


Which ancient city-state is an example of a pure democracy?

Ancient Greece

What was Megara's location?

Megara was an ancient city-state located in the northeastern corner of the Isthmus of Corinth, in the region of Attica in Greece. It was strategically positioned between Athens and Corinth and played a significant role in the history and politics of the region.

The polis or city-state of ancient Greece was .?

a city and the agricultural lands surrounding it