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the athens and my foot was it

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Q: Was it the Athens or Sparta that had an assembly?
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Who had an assembly Athens or Sparta?


Who were the rulers of Athens Persia and Sparta?

This changed over the centuries. Sparta was ruled by two kings, a council. and an assembly Athens was ruled first by a king, then an aristocracy, then by a tyrant, then by an assembly of the people. Persia was ruled by a king and his council.

How are Athens and Sparta the same?

Both Athens and Sparta had an Assembly, whose members were elected by the people

What enemies did Athens and Sparta have?

Athens was enemies with Sparta and Sparta was enemies with Athens

Who had a army centered life Athens or Sparta?

Sparta full-time. Athens part-time.

Who had the best example of Greek democracy Athens or Sparta?

Sparta and Athens both started with limited democracies - an assembly of the people which voted on major issues and an aristocratic council. Athens then moved to a radical democracy where the adult males met in assembly each fortnight and determined issues, which were implemented by the council. The Athenian assembly was led astray by persuasive orators resulting in their getting involved in he destructive 27-year Peloponnesian War with Sparta and its allies. After it lost the war, Athens reverted to a restricted democracy.

Did the Athens or Sparta have a democracy?

Sparta because they did not have as much freedom as Athens.

What city is farther north Athens or Sparta?


Did Sparta or Athens have a democracy?

Athens had a democracy; Sparta, an oligarchy.

Who ruled Athens during the war between Sparta and Athens?

The assembly of the people for most of the time, and for shorter periods a broadly-based oligarchy eg 'the 5,000'.

Which had two kings Sparta or Athens?

Sparta had two kings, a council of elders made of 28 citizens, and an assembly of all male citizens over age 30.

What was different about Sparta and Athens?

they had different forms of government, Sparta had oligarchy while Athens had democracy. in Athens, you became a man when you turned 18, in Sparta you had to be 30. for money Athens had drachmas and Sparta had obols.