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yes he was an immortal creature he could fly and came out of meduasa, his mothers, blood from her neck

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Q: Was pegasus immortal
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Related questions

What are pegasus traits?

A immortal horse with wings.

How did pegasus die?

Pegasus did not die she was turned into a constillation from the great god Zeus

Are there gray pegasus?

In Greek myth there was only ever one immortal winged horse called Pegasus; so, no, no there are not.

How long is a pegasus's lifespan?

In mythology, the lifespan of a pegasus is said to be immortal, as they are magical creatures. In fiction and modern interpretations, the lifespan of a pegasus may vary depending on the story or fictional world in which they exist.

Where does the pegasus live?

There is only one Pegasus, son of Medusa, the immortal winged horse. He resides now on Mount Olympus.

What was pegasus famous for?

The Pegasus is famous for bursting out of Medusa's severed neck when Perseus cut her head off. He is also famous for being the first winged horse. He became immortal and flies the gods in and out of Olympus.

Who would win Pegasus or Cerberus?

Hydra would win beacause he has so many heads

What is Pegasus's name in Greek and Roman mythology?

Zeus was the King of the gods and the lord of the sky. Pegasus was a winged horse that sprang from Medusa as she was decapitated. He was tamed by Bellerophon, before he attempted to ride Pegasus up to Olympus.

Who was the last of the flying equines in Greek mythology?

The "flying equines" had names, and were often immortal - Pegasus was one such, so too were the chariot horses of the Sun and Moon.

What happened when perseus killed Medusa?

Medusa died: her children by Poseidon, Pegasus and Chrysaor escaped by her blood, her sister Gorgons woke and went after Perseus who ran from them who were immortal.

How long does a unicorn live on Howrse?

no, horses and unicorns are only immortal with a = Philosopher's stone from the black market =

How many Beyblade pegasus are there and which are the best?

There are 5 types of Pegasus legend Cyber pegasus,storm pegasus,galaxy pegasus,big bang Pegasus and wing Pegasus The best is wing pegasus