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Q: Was the third crusade religiously or politically motivated?
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Where did the third crusade happen?

The third crusade happened in Jeruslam

When did Third Crusade happen?

Third Crusade happened in 1189.

What was the third crusade called?

Kings' crusade

What are the dates of the Third Crusade?

the third crusade started in 1189 and stopped, or finished, in 1192

Who drowned during the Third Crusade?

Frederick Barbarossa drowned during the Third Crusade.

Which crusade did Saladin and king Richard I fight?

Third Crusade

Which crusade was a success in a campaign to free the holy land?

It was the Third Crusade

Which Crusade was a success the campaign to the free Holy Land?

It was the Third Crusade

Which Crusade was a success in the campaign to the free the holy land?

It was the Third Crusade

Which crusade was a success in the campaign to free the holy land?

It was the Third Crusade

How did the third crusade end?

the third crusade lasted from 1189 to 1192

Which Crusade was in 1192?

The Third Crusade lasted from 1189 until 1192. Also known as the Kings' Crusade.