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yes BC aka 300Bc is 300 before crist Most definitely. The ancient Chinese, Jewish, Sumerian and other ancient calendars attest to the fact that time was marked formally long before Jesus was born.

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14y ago
AnswerJesus was born just over 2000 years ago. The universe is approximately 11.3 billion years old. So all of time before Jesus was born is still approximately 11.3 billion years, since 2000 years is too short to matter over the whole of time.
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Q: Was time kept before Jesus
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Did Greek Mythology happen before Jesus?

Yes the Greek Empire came before the earthly birth of Jesus Christ in approximately 6 BC.If you mean that the ancient civilization of Greece existed before Christ, then the answer is "yes".

What time period did Zeus live?

Zeus lived in a time period before Jesus Christ was born. It is said that he was born in 700 B.C.

Who were the four bad emperors of Rome before Christ?

There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.There were no emperors before Christ. Jesus was born during the reign of Augustus, the first emperor.

Did slavery start before Jesus was born?

Of Course. The jews, founders of Israel, at one point in History (Before Jesus) were slaves.

Why did BC turn into AD?

BC means Before Christ (Before Jesus Christ was born) AD means After Death (The death of Jesus Christ)

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The Bible is where the written teachings of Jesus are kept.

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Jesus and Cleopatra were not alive at the same time. Cleopatra died many years before Jesus was ever born.

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Before the Word became Jesus, the physical man, you are referring to the Old Testament.

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It wasn't long before sunrise. He denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed twice.

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kept them from believing in jesus and crucified jesus

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Did Jesus tell moses where to go?

No because Moses was born and died long time before Jesus was born.

How long can a body be kept before it has to be buried?

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