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Yes, Egypt is in Africa.

However, Egyptians have Arab-coloration. They are not Black peoples except in the far south.

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Laurine Lueilwitz

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3y ago
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11y ago

Answer 1

Modern Egyptians are the result of millenniums worth of conquest by lighter skinned peoples. Indo-European races: Persians, Macedonians(Alexander and the later Ptolemies like Cleopatra), Greeks, and Romans; Semitic and Asiatic races: Hyksos, Arabs, and Turks; other African/Eritrean peoples: Nubians. Have all had a hand in conquering the Egyptians at one point and time. And are equally responsible for leaving their genetic footprint within the nation's population: shaping the appearance of its people today.

Ancient Egyptians claimed they originated in the Land of Punt. Just where Punt was located exactly is still up for debate. Many scientists have come to the conclusion that the original founders of ancient Egypt were genetically related to modern day Ethiopian, Eritrean, Somali, and Nubian peoples. Their skeletons are classified as "Super-Negroid"(a tropical adaptation) and their skulls are considered Caucasoid (A skull structure which developed on the continent of Africa, but now spans across the aboriginal areas of Northern Africa, Western, and Central Asia, Europe, and Russia.).

In short, Egyptians are a mixture of both black and white due to the interbreeding between invading Europeans and indigenous Africans.

Answer 2

As concerns the predominant race in Egypt today, most Egyptians today have Mediterranean coloration. This coloration varies, but includes colors that might be mis-identified with a Southern German at their lightest and may be mis-indentified with Pakistani at their darkest. Nationalities with similar complexions include most Arabs, Southern Italians, Southern Spaniards, Turks, and other North Africans. Most of these groups are characterized as "White" by the United States Census Bureau, regardless of how others may see them.

As concerns the coloration of Egyptians in the Ancient Period, there is much controversy over this. Perhaps the clearest evidence that some Egyptians were black in the Ancient Period comes from paintings in Egyptian tombs and temples which show blacks as well as people of a Mediterranean coloration. There is also a minority opinion that Egyptians were predominantly black during the Ancient Period. However, most people believe that Egyptians during the Ancient Period resemble the modern Copts (who claim direct descendence from the Ancient Egyptians).

Answer 3

Ancient Egyptians are Black People. The Egyptian civilization started around 6400 BC in Sourthern Egypt near Elephantine. The Egyptian Civilization lasted until 700 AD when Islam converted Egypt. This is alomst seven Thousand years. The Roman Empire lasted 700 years, the Greek empire of Alexander lasted 200 Years, the Assyrian and Persian much shorter. There is no long period of European conquer and mixture. The Roman period was the longest but little Roman contact with Egypt, ala the Greeks like Ptolemy and Cleopatra.

Weatern Europeans have been conquerors only during the colonizing period 1600-1800 and this made the European countries less White without making Egypt more White. Whiteness in Africa is not a natural Selection. Egypt is in an African Desert.

[Please see comments on this answer in the Discussion Section.]

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13y ago

Most Egyptians are a mixture of white and black due to interbreeding between the people of Europe and indigenous Egyptians and other African nations. They are usually considered as such.

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13y ago

If by white people you mean Europeans, yes the Greeks.

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15y ago

yes but there were most dark black people

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