NO. the Ancient Egyptians did not practice this brand of Human sacrifice. also they had what amounted to a Moneyless economy. no Egyptian coins have been found in tombs, temples, or so on. Food for thought.
Pharaoh,They were considered the embodiment of God on Earth. They were buried after elaborate ceremony and embalming in tombs.
Egyptian Pharoahs are buried in the Valley of the Pharoahs, and not in pyramids as is popularly believed.
it was a respectful thing to do and manly because they buried the pharaoh with there belongings so that they had them in their after life.
Egyptians did not bury people alive, they berried their mummies.
It was mainly built for the honor of the kings and queens so that when they died they could be buried in it.
the Pharaohs wives
The wives pyramids, also known as queen pyramids, were built next to the pyramids of Egyptian pharaohs to house the remains of the pharaoh's wives or close relatives. These smaller pyramids were designed to honor and provide a burial place for important women in the pharaoh's life.
Yes. Also buried were their slaves, wives and pets.
when they die, they thought they would still be alive in the afterlife
In Egypt, the pharaohs were buried in Valley of the Kings.
It was a place in Egypt where the wives of the Pharaohs were buried, it was known as Te Set Neferu, meaning the 'place of beauty'
They were put in the tombs inside the pyramids especially made for the pharaohs. Also the wives and sometimes the servants were put in the same pyramid. There is also a valley of the kings from what is left of the tombs.
gold, jewels, stuff they liked when the were alive ( childhood-adult), etc.
In the second era the pharaohs were buried in pyramids, in the first and third era they were buried in small tombs.
No, Tutankhamen was buried alone like most (in not all) other pharaohs. His wife Ankhesenamun was buried in another grave. Both are buried in the Valley of the Kings though. In previous time of Egypt's ancient history, when pharaohs were still buried in pyramids, their wives had much smaller pyramids next to the pharaohs pyramid. Like the great pyramid of Giza (tomb of Khufu) has three minor pyramids at the feet of it, they are tombs of Khufu's wives. In the tomb of Tutankhamen though, there was two fetuses buried with him, which are most probably unborn children of Ankhesenamun and the pharaoh.
The process before burial is called mummification. Some Pharaohs were buried in the pyramids.
By the pyramid where the pharaoh is buried.