Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods, is quick for obvious reasons. Nike, also, the goddess of victory would be fast.
It means that someone is really, really attractive.
mercury is the same as hermes and is the fastest god and the messanger with winged shoes and hat.
There isn't really one, but Zeus is the king of the gods, the chief of the gods. So I guess you could could say he is the god of the gods, even though he really isn't.
Who borns in India that pupil will naturally fast. Because India is Karmabumi who are nearer to God that type of soles will be born in India. Who is having the good knowledge those are always fast.
Hermes was born on mount Cyllene. He is the son of Zeus and Maia. Hermes became the massager for the gods and goddess, Zeus gave him very special boots that can make him run at a really fast pace.
Go into options/frame skip/throttle and you can modify how fast the GBA runs
sex god
ya, and he runs really fast.
its when a big black man with a huge gold chain runs really really fast
it runs really fast and plus its a carnivore and a really good camouflaged animal.
a grey hound they are really fast and the are the dogs the use for racing
it uses it claws to attack the predator and it runs really fast to get away
well basically he runs really really fast, oh and he gets a bit hyper when you give him some coulorful gems.
i dont know exactly but he runs really fast and i think has the most stolen bases in ny mets team history
not fast really really really fast
fast.......really,really fast!