The Parthenon, the Coliseum, the Temple of Hephaestus, and the temple of Athena Nike are just a few.
greek buildings
The use of pillars to hold up the roofs of facades of buildings, with three types - Ionic, Corinthian and Doric styles.
Athena is the Greek Goddess of Architecture, as well as knowledge. There was grand buildings that still stand today made in her honor. Hope this helps in any way! :)
This is word for word, the first question on one of my Social Studies homework papers. Anyway, the Greeks were concerned with accurate history and ancient story telling.
The way you would worship Greek Gods is by believing in them, giving them offerings in fires, and praying to them.
greek buildings
The Greek buildings are usually made up of mud brick, stone and woods.
Both Greek and Roman architecture have large buildings and columns but probably more-so Greek
There are many buildings and temples is Greek architecture so you'll have to be more specific in your question if you want a specific answer. Most Greek temples and buildings are made of marble because that was the main building material available.
you can live in both of em'
Buildings of Florence were infulenced by Greek and Roman architecural design
Buildings of Florence were infulenced by Greek and Roman architecural design
ancient Greeks
Buildings became more modern.