The nymph, nod goddess, Daphne was changed into a tree in order to escape Apollo who was pursuing her.
Daphne wasn't a goddess, she was a nymph, and she didn't die, she was turned into a Laurel tree.
olive tree
Daphne prayed to her father Peneus or in other versions, Gaia, to be turned into a tree to spur Apollo's advances.
The nymph, nod goddess, Daphne was changed into a tree in order to escape Apollo who was pursuing her.
the roots help the tree from falling down
Boabab tree. It's also in the northern part of South Africa. It often has a thick trunk. Its branches look like roots, as if the tree was turned upside down. The tree is almost mystical.
The tree you are referring to is likely the banyan tree, known for its aerial roots that hang down from its branches and take root in the ground.
Because it has no real roots!
When you cut the tree down the roots will live on and continue to support your slope. Slowly another tree will start to grow. However, if you kill the roots they will eventually rot out and your slope will lose it's support.
To get magic roots you must use the farming skill to plant a magic tree, it then has to grow to its full growth, you then chop down the tree and use a spade on the tree trunk which is left, you will get some magic roots and there will be no more tree.
Cutting a tree down dos not kill it. The roots are still alive and well and often put up shoots from the cut off trunk to replace the original trees canopy. Killing the root of a tree after it is cut down often entails digging the roots up or injecting the stump with herbicide or other poisons.
probably not.
Even if you cut it down, the roots will still grow back. You'll have to excavate ALL of the roots and the tree itself to get rid of it.