Yes, there are stories were the Greek gods come down to a mortal. Usually this happened because the mortal angered the gods.
Medusa was mortal because she was a Gorgon, a creature born from mortal parents. Gorgons were not immortal like the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology.
Greek gods are considered immortal beings in Greek mythology. They do not die like mortal humans and are believed to be eternal and powerful entities.
PANDORA was the very first woman who was formed out of clay by the gods.
Both in a sense. Norse gods were not immortal in the way Greek gods were. They aged and could be killed, though they did not die naturally, or get disease.
Yes, there are stories were the Greek gods come down to a mortal. Usually this happened because the mortal angered the gods.
It's impossible for a mortal to become a God
Mess with mortal's lives.
According to Greek mythology, Pandora was the first mortal woman.
They were demigods. Half god, half human.
Medusa was mortal because she was a Gorgon, a creature born from mortal parents. Gorgons were not immortal like the gods and goddesses of Greek mythology.
Look up the Anchiant greek myth in a book or to save you time, ask me this "What is the story of the 2 gods and 2 mortal in a greek city."
Greek gods are considered immortal beings in Greek mythology. They do not die like mortal humans and are believed to be eternal and powerful entities.
Actually it's a mortal,Hercules
Some believe that they did get involved in mortal wars. One legend is that Ares possessed Achilles, the great Greek hero. If the gods got involved in war, they tried to assume a mortal form, sometimes of a great hero.
Any and all - the Greek gods are amazingly petty.
Mortal Gods was created in 1980.