

Best Answer

The following is true, but the major HERO that traveled with Jason was Herakles.

Added answer

There were fifty of them, sailing on the Argo:

  1. Acastus
  2. Admetus
  3. Aethalides
  4. Amphion
  5. Ancaeus
  6. Argus
  7. Ascalaphus
  8. Atalanta (others claim Jason forbade her because she was a woman)
  9. Autolycus
  10. Bellerophon
  11. Butes
  12. Calais
  13. Canthus
  14. Castor
  15. Cytissorus
  16. Echion
  17. Erginus
  18. Euphemus
  19. Euryalus
  20. Heracles/Hercules
  21. Hylas
  22. Idas
  23. Idmon
  24. Iolaus
  25. Iphitos
  26. Jason
  27. Laertes
  28. Lynceus
  29. Medea
  30. Melas
  31. Meleager
  32. Mopsus
  33. Nestor
  34. Oedipus
  35. Oileus
  36. Orpheus
  37. Palaemon
  38. Palaimonius
  39. Patroclus
  40. Peleus
  41. Philoctetes
  42. Phrontis
  43. Poeas
  44. Polydeuces (or Pollux)
  45. Polyphemos (Eilatos' son, who fought with the Lapiths against the Centaurs)
  46. Poriclymenus
  47. Talaus
  48. Telamon
  49. Tiphys
  50. Zetes
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Q: What Greek hero traveled with Jason?
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He only exists in myth.

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Click link below and read about him!

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sorry but Jason is not a god at all in fact he was the hero of the golden fleece

Who in Greek mythology searched for the golden fleece?

The Greek hero Jason and his crew the Argonaurs. Jason was not a demi-god but he was the rightful heir to the throne of Iolcus.

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Jason, leader of the Argonauts in Greek legend

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The Golden Fleece