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Pandora's curiosity caused her to open the forbidden box that unleashed all of the evils inside. She shut the box in time to keep Hope from escaping.

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Q: What Greek myth explains the coming of evil?
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What ancient greek myth explains why there is winter?

The story of Hades and Persephone.

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Hephaestus was never depicted as such in Greek myth.

What Greek myth that explains how the earth was made?

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Hades is not evil in Greek Myth. Hades is the King of the Underworld, where the dead dwell.

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Greek. They probably imagined them after coming across elephant-type skulls (elephant-type animals used to be much more prevalent than they are today).

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The Greek myth of Poseidon, god of the sea, explains tsunamis. According to myth, Poseidon can create violent sea storms and earthquakes which can lead to massive waves and tsunamis. His anger and power over the sea are often associated with the destructive force of tsunamis in Greek mythology.

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Greek Mythology or Greek Myth.

What is the Greek origin for the word furor?

It comes from the furies who according to Greek myth were from the underworld ruled by Hades. The furies were evil demon-like creatures with wings.

What are the roles of the Greek gods?

Greek myth explains the origins of the world and details the lives and adventures of a wide variety of gods, goddesses, heroes, heroines, and other mythological creatures.