Greek names originate from the Mediterranean area, popular ones are Helen, Jason, and Alexander.
Zeus is the greek name / Jupiter is the roman name
Eros was the Greek name. His Roman equivalent was Cupid.
the greek name is Zeus and the roman name is Jupiter.
Perseus, Theseus, Paris...
The ancient Greek Gods did not have second (or family) names.
Backgammon/tavli in greek!
The Greek word tigris.
it has no meaning in greek.
Gods from Greek Mythology:AphroditeApolloArtemisAthenaDionysusHeraHermesPoseidonZeus
Fatismus, podia
The Greek gods have 2 names because they are known in both Greek AND Roman mythology, only in differant names.
Elements got their names from their latin names,greek gods,or from the names of the persons who discovered them.
Yes all names have capitals
Latin and Greek
Some are listed in the link below:
Hippos Monokeras