Nepenthe is in Greek Mythology (Odyssey) a medicine for sorrow, literally, an anti-depressant - a "drug of forgetfulness".
Lethe is the Underworld river of oblivion/forgetfulness.
It is called Lethe.
Lethe is the Greek Goddess of oblivion/forgetfulness, associated with the Underworld river of the same name.
The Lethe River ran through the plain of Lethe in Hades. Also known as the stream of oblivion, the river flowed around the cave of Hypnos where the murmuring waters caused drowsiness. The shades of the dead were required to drink the water in order to forget their earthly life. Lethe is frequently used as a metaphor for the Underworld in general.
A "souvenir" , from french, recalls a memory. Lethe ( lee-thee with a hard th) means forgetfulness; and nepenthe ( ne PEN thay ) is a drug that induces forgetfulness or oblivion. theres no reason why your gay
anti-depressant works, nepenthe means a drug of forgetfulness
It is called Lethe.
The river Lethe was associated with Lethe a goddess of forgetfulness. Making her a daughter of Eris or Oceanus.
Lethe Tatge was born on December 26, 1893.
In Greek Mythology, Lethe is the Underworld river of oblivion/forgetfulness.
Not for Lethe and Ike.
Lethe is the Greek Goddess of oblivion/forgetfulness, associated with the Underworld river of the same name.
The Lethe, from which we get the word "lethargic". Anyone who was blessed with eternity in the Elysian Fields would drink from the Lethe to forget their earthly woes.
Lethe = one of the rivers in the Underworld; river of forgetfulnessMnemosyne = The Titan goddess of memory and the mother of the nine Muses.