The answer is..................................................i don't know i but i want to find out!
Isabel De Tolosa Cortes De Moctezuma Pedro De Moctezuma --son Diego Luís De Moctezuma aka Ihuitemotzin Chimalpopoca Tlaltecatzin Francesca De Moctezuma
1466 c'est la date de naissance de Motecuhzoma Xocoyotzin (mort le 29 juin 1520).
sistemas de riego y construccion de piramides para los gobernantes
Ixtapan de la Sal was created in 1822.
El es un hijo de puta k mataron hace un chingo de tiempo
The first slaves came to what is now the United States in 1526 by Lucas Vasquez de Ayllons in an attempt to colonize what is now know as North Carolina.
of a fever in 1526
He was the discover of Gage
He discovered Gage.
was born on 1475 thank you
1475 in Toledo Spain
no he wasn't but he was a judge for the supreme court of Hispaniola
Lucas Vasquez de Allyon of Spain established San Miguel de Gualdape in 1526.
They were looking for gold but found none. They did not make Spain richer.
They were Francisco Vasquez De Coronado's children.
Francisco Vasquez de Coronado had 2 kids. Their names were Isabela Vasquez De Coronado & Marina Vasquez De Coronado