Marshmellows mixed with a cookie base. Much like our concrete today
When invaders came to Egypt, the capstones of the pyramids were removed and taken to sell. Thus, the height of the Great Pyramid decreased.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 13 words with the pattern --P-T-N--. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter P and 5th letter T and 7th letter N. In alphabetical order, they are: appetence appetency capitanos capstones hypotonia hypotonic impotence impotency impotents lapstones repetends reputings topstones
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 32 words with the pattern --P-T--E-. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter P and 5th letter T and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: amputated amputates appetised appetiser appetises appetites appetized appetizer appetizes bepatched capitated capstones copytaker deputised deputises deputized deputizes empathies hepatised hepatises hepatites hepatized hepatizes hypotaxes impetuses lapstones repatched repatches tipstaves topotypes topstones unpatched
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 43 words with the pattern CA-S-----. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter C and 2nd letter A and 4th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: cabstands caesarean caesarian caesarism caestuses camshafts camstairy camstanes camsteary camstones cansticks capsaicin capsicins capsicums capsizals capsizing capsomere capsomers capstones capsulary capsulate capsuling capsulise capsulize cassareep cassation casserole cassettes cassimere cassingle cassocked cassonade cassoulet cassowary causalgia causalgic causality causation causative causeless causeries causeways caustical
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 77 words with the pattern -A----NES. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter A and 7th letter N and 8th letter E and 9th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: backbones baladines balklines ballonnes barchanes barebones baregines baritones barytones baselines basquines cabezones caffeines calamines camelines camphanes camphenes camphines camstanes camstones capelines capstones carabines carelines carotenes catenanes darraines datelines daturines dauphines earphones earstones gangrenes gantlines gasogenes gasolenes gasolines gazogenes hairlines halazones halftones landlines langsynes lanolines lapstones lazybones magazines mainlines maryjanes mauveines mazarines naloxones narceines palatines paravanes patronnes payphones rabatines ragstones ratsbanes rattlines salicines sanguines sanidines saponines sauternes taborines tailbones tapelines tarwhines vaselines warplanes xanthenes xanthines xanthones zabaiones zabajones
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 91 words with the pattern -A-S----S. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter A and 4th letter S and 9th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: baaskaaps baasskaps barstools bassinets basswoods cabstands caestuses camshafts camstanes camstones cansticks capsicins capsicums capsizals capsomers capstones cassettes causeless causeries causeways daishikis danseuses dayshells earstones falseness falsettos falsifies falsities fatstocks gassiness harshness hatstands hausfraus haystacks kaiserins lapstones layshafts laystalls maestosos maistries malsticks mamselles manshifts mapsticks marshalls marsports massacres massagers masscults masseters masseuses massicots massiness massoolas nauseants nauseates naysayers oanshaghs palstaffs palstaves passadoes passbands passbooks passments passovers passports passwords pauseless ragstones rakshasas rakshases ramshorns ransomers ratsbanes salsifies salsillas sanserifs sarsenets sassabies sassafras sassiness sassolins sasswoods sawsharks tapstress tarsipeds varsities vassaless waistings waistless warstlers
Unclear on exactly what you are asking here because I'm not sure if you didn't mean to ask "When" instead of what. Imhotep was the first builder of a pyramid for his Pharaoh Djoser/Zoser (spelling varies) ca 2630–2611 BCE. He began building what was to have been the largest mastaba, from the word meaning bench due to there long flat rectangular single story appearance with little to no exterior decoration, which had been the previous burial chambers of the earliest Pharaohs but he just kept adding smaller mastabas on top of the first creating what we know as the Step Pyramid and the first Pyramid.
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 125 words with the pattern -A---O-E-. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter A and 6th letter O and 8th letter E. In alphabetical order, they are: backboned backbones baldmoney ballooned bandboxes banknotes bareboned barebones baritones barytones bastioned bathrobes batswomen cabezones cabrioles cabriolet calfdozer calliopes cambooses camisoles camstones caprioled caprioles capstones captioned caracoled caracoler caracoles carpooled carpooler carrioles carryover cartooned cashboxes cataloged cataloger cautioned cautioner dauntoned dayflower earphones earstones fareboxes fascioles fashioned fashioner gadrooned gallooned gantlopes garryowen halazones halftones halicores halidomes halimotes halitoses handsomer handsomes handtowel handwoven hardcores hardcover hardnosed hardnoses harpooned harpooner hawknoses ladyloves lampholes lampooned lampooner landloper lapstones latecomer lawnmower lazybones madaroses mailboxes mangroves matadores matelotes mayflower naloxones oarswomen pactioned palinodes pappooses paraboles paradores paradoses paradoxer paradoxes paragoges paragoned parasoled parcloses passioned payphones ragstones railwomen rainbowed rattooned ravigotes safflower saffroned sagamores saltboxes sandboxes tailbones talkboxes taprooted taxonomer vaginoses varicosed varicoses wardmotes wardrobed wardrober wardrobes washwomen waxflower waygooses xanthones zabaiones zabajones
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 260 words with the pattern -A---O--S. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter A and 6th letter O and 9th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: babydolls babyfoods babyhoods backbonds backbones backcombs backdowns backloads backrooms backwoods backwords backworks bailbonds ballcocks ballrooms bandboxes bankbooks banknotes bankrolls bareboats barebones baritones barstools barytones basswoods bathrobes bathrooms cabezones cabrioles cacafogos cageworks calabogus califonts calliopes cambooses cameloids camisoles camstones cancroids canthooks capeworks caprioles capstones caracoles cardioids carrioles carryouts cartloads cartroads casebooks caseloads caseworks caseworms cashbooks cashboxes catacombs catenoids cavicorns dameworts daneworts darkrooms datacomms datebooks earphones earstones facedowns fairgoers faltboats fareboxes farmworks fasciolas fascioles fatstocks gadabouts gairfowls gambroons gamecocks gantlopes gapeworms garefowls gatefolds gateposts gavelocks hackbolts hackworks hairlocks hairworks hairworms halazones halftones halicores halidomes halimotes halitoses halitosis handbooks handholds handlooms handrolls handsomes handworks hanepoots hardboots hardcores hardgoods hardnoses hardrocks hardwoods harewoods havelocks hawkmoths hawknoses hawthorns jackboots jackrolls kakemonos lacewoods laceworks ladyhoods ladyloves lakeports lampholes lampposts landforms landlords lanthorns lapstones lastborns latewoods lathworks laverocks layabouts lazybones macaronis macaroons madaroses madarosis maestosos maidhoods mailboxes mailrooms mainbooms maindoors makimonos malaromas malleolus malodours maltworms mandiocas mangroves manifolds marabouts marigolds mariposas markdowns markhoors marsports mashlochs massoolas matadoras matadores matelotes maxicoats nailfolds nainsooks naloxones naricorns packfongs pagehoods pakthongs palinodes panbroils pappooses parabolas paraboles paradores paradoses paradoxes parafoils paraforms paragoges paramours paranoeas paranoias paranoics paranoids parazoans parcloses parotoids partworks passbooks passports passwords pastromis payphones racahouts racegoers rackworks ragstones railroads raincoats ramshorns randlords rangioras ravigotes sagamores sailboats sailrooms sainfoins salerooms saltboxes saltworks saltworts sandboxes sandsoaps sandworms sandworts sasswoods tacahouts tagalongs taglionis tailbones tailcoats takedowns talapoins talkboxes tamanoirs tandooris tapacolos tapeworms taskworks tattooers vagabonds vaginoses vaginosis varicoses varicosis vavasours waldhorns wallworts wardcorns wardmotes wardrobes wardrooms warerooms wartworts washbowls washrooms watchouts watthours waveforms waxcloths waygooses xanthomas xanthones yakimonos yakitoris yardworks zabaiones zabajones
According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 251 words with the pattern -A----N-S. That is, nine letter words with 2nd letter A and 7th letter N and 9th letter S. In alphabetical order, they are: babblings bacchants backbands backbends backbonds backbones backhands backlands bailbonds bailments baladines balklines ballonnes bandannas bandyings bantlings banxrings barchanes bardlings barebones baregines barehands baritones barytones basebands baselines basements basquines batchings batements cabezones cabstands caffeines cagelings calamines calamints califonts camelines campagnas camphanes camphenes camphines camstanes camstones canoeings capelines capitanos capstones carabines caraganas carelines carolings carotenes casements catchings catenanes caterings caulkings cavatinas dabblings dairyings danglings darklings darraines databanks datelines daturines dauphines dazzlings earphones earstones easements eastlings fagotings fahlbands faineants faintings fakements farmhands farmlands farthings gabblings gagglings galavants galivants gamblings gangbangs ganglands gangrenes gantlines garagings garblings gasogenes gasolenes gasolines gazements gazogenes habitants hairbands hairlines halazones halflings halftones handlings hatchings haterents hatstands hauntings haverings jalapenos janglings javelinas jazerants kakemonos kamaainas kaoliangs katakanas katchinas kayakings lacewings lacklands lakelands lamblings landlines landwinds langsynes lanolines lapstones laughings lavements layerings lazybones macaronis mafflings magazines maharanis mainlands mainlines makimonos malihinis mantlings manurings maragings marblings marryings maryjanes mauveines mazarines mazements naethings naloxones narceines nauseants packfongs paddlings paintings pakthongs palaminos palatines palominos panelings paperings paraments parasangs paravanes parawings parklands parpoints pashminas passbands passments patchings patronnes pavements payphones rabatines rabblings radicands ragstones rainbands rallyings ramblings ranchings ratsbanes rattlines rattlings ravelings ravenings saiblings saladangs saladings salerings salicines samplings sandbanks sandlings sanguines sanidines saponines sarabands saturants sauternes taborines tacklings tagalongs taglionis tailbones tailwinds tamarinds tanglings tapelines taperings tarwhines tattlings tauntings vagabonds valetings vallhunds vaporings varguenos vaselines vaultings vauntings wafflings waistings wakenings wallsends waltzings wamblings wanglings warblings wariments warplanes washlands waterings wattlings wavebands waverings waxplants waygoings waypoints xanthenes xanthines xanthones yachtings yakimonos yardlands yardwands zabaiones zabajones zampognas
Water falls over Hard rock. When it reaches the soft rock, the water starts to wear away the soft rock, this is called erosion. Over hundreds or even thousands of years, the soft rock is slowly eaten away or eroded and the river begins to cut down further into the soft rock. This makes a cliff over which the water can topple. Over time, the cliff becomes steeper as more soft rock is eroded, and deeper as bigger boulders come over the waterfall, and the ground gets beaten with more and more rocks until it creates a plunge pool. Some of the water goes under the waterfall and under cuts the soft rock. More of the hard rock begins to fall away and the waterfall slowly moves upstream.Water falls are formed when a layer of soft rock is under a layer of hard rock. The soft rock is eroded forming a plunge pool. The hard rock fall in the plunge pool. As this keeps happening both layers stay the same and the water falls to the rivers.Waterfalls are formed by erosional processes- Hydraulic, corrosion and attrition action. Waterfalls form where rivers meet a less resistant rock, after flowing over more resistant rock. The hard rock eventually collapses into the plunge pool at the bottom and the soft rock is eroded back.It all starts off on top of a high elevation, such as a mountain, and when it rains the water tumbles down the mountain or hill. Sometimes there is no path for the water to follow so it must fall of the cliff. There is a layer of hard rock underneath the water and soft rock underneath that. The soft rock erodes faster than the hard rock forming a curved ledge underneath the hard rock. A plunge pool would be formed at the bottom once the water had started tumbling down. After some time, the hard rock would erode too, pushing the waterfall upstream over years.Wherever rain falls the laws of gravity assure that one way or another it will try to reach the ocean. Normally it moves to lower ground by lines of least resistance ie trickle down, first small creeks and streams slowly gathering to meet in a valley to form a river and down to the coast. Sometimes the rainfall on rocky platforms or plateau's can not find a route down hill. This water will gather until there is enough to find the line of least resistance and cascade over the edge of the plateau in a water fall. Over the course of time the rain will gouge out a permanent watercourse at this point