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A chariot is a small two wheeled cart that can be pulled by either one horse or as many as ten.

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Q: What are chariots?
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Related questions

What is the difference between war chariots and racing chariots?

War chariots have more armored protection than racing chariots

What do chariots represent prophetically?

Chariots, especially chariots of fire, represent the sun god.

Whes did did roman find chariots?

The Romans did not find chariots. They were one of the ancient civilisation which made chariots.

Is chariots of silver and copper a idiom?

No, "chariots of silver and copper" is not an idiom. It may be used literally to describe chariots made of silver and copper.

When did Chariots of Fire happen?

Chariots of Fire happened in 1924.

When did Chariots of the Dogs happen?

Chariots of the Dogs happened in 2008.

When was A Flight of Chariots created?

A Flight of Chariots was created in 1963.

When did Chariots of War happen?

Chariots of War happened in 2003.

When was The Chariots of the Lord created?

The Chariots of the Lord was created in 1914.

Do chariots have hooves?

Chariots are vehicles, they have wheels. The horse that pull them have hooves.

What is the duration of Chariots of Fur?

The duration of Chariots of Fur is 420.0 seconds.

When was Chariots of War created?

Chariots of War was created in 2003-03.