Character flaw (in Greek/Roman mythology) often include major flaws for heroes, a common one being hubris (pride).
Some other character flaws include: venerability, (non) self-importance, disorders, phobias, drinking, flirting, aggressiveness, and being vain or naive.
Hope this helps!!!
Some of the character flaws of the goddess Hera are:JealouslyCrueltyRevenge fullness
he save his father and his son during the Trojan war
Some of the character flaws of the goddess Hera are:JealouslyCrueltyRevenge fullness
A pathological character is one who has serious flaws that never go away or end. As a result, the behavior of the character will continue unabated indefinitely. The behavior of the character can be compulsive, obsessive and persistent. Examples would be pathological liars or narcissists.
he was too arrogant
Heavens no! My character has flaws aplenty and is barely capable of the task set before him.
Noise and Latency
Samson from the Bible
A well-rounded and relatable character should ideally possess a few flaws to make them more realistic and engaging. Having around 2-3 flaws can help create depth and complexity in the character, making them more relatable to the audience.
The tragic archetype is a character who experiences a downfall or unfortunate fate as a result of a fatal flaw in their own character. This archetype often serves as a cautionary tale about the consequences of hubris or other character flaws. Examples include Oedipus from Greek mythology and Macbeth from Shakespeare's play.
The meaning of the word flaws is wishes... examples... my flaws is to have a happy family and to have more friends,,,,Flaws- Wishes
Possibly the major one is being mythical.