SOME say they love potatoes and enjoy eating wifes then the kids pop out hope it that helps
Zeus was the ruler of the Greek Gods and Kronos was the ruler of the Titans.
No. The Greek gods were just as important.
Zeus was the king of the Greek gods. Hera, his wife, was the queen of the gods.
There are 12 major Greek gods and goddesses, known as the Olympians, but there are also many minor gods and goddesses in Greek mythology, making the total number of Greek gods difficult to determine.
Zeus is the king and ruler of the Greek gods.
There were no temples dedicated to Ouranos.
There's hundreds of Greek Gods and Goddesses out there but here are a few.* Hera,* Demeter,* Dionysus,* Poseidon,* Aphrodite.Thanks. Hope that helps.
The myths fill big books. Ask at your library!
He wrote the Thegony, about 800 BC. In it he systematizes the "facts" about the Greek gods.
No, the Greek gods are myth.
Gods from Greek Mythology:AphroditeApolloArtemisAthenaDionysusHeraHermesPoseidonZeus
Yes, the Greek gods are immortal.
Ask us for the facts, and you do the reacting!
greek people adored the gods and they say that depending on how much they adore them the gods helped them.
Zeus was the ruler of the Greek Gods and Kronos was the ruler of the Titans.
Greek gods
With the Greek goddesses and gods.