During the 8th century, Baghdad was a major trade hub as well as a center of learning for many people. Among the things that were traded there were clothing, spices, porcelain, vegetables, and fabrics
The major growth in the Atlantic slave trade in the seventeenth century was to be driven by the expansion of New World exports to Europe.
Poseidon, who bears a grudge against Odysseus for blinding his son Polyphemus, would be considered the main antagonist of the Odyssey.After Odysseus manages to return home to Ithaca, Antinous, leader of the suitors, is considered the major antagonist.Poseidon
It actually fought a war against the Hittites (major idecisive batte of Kadesh 1274 BCE). The result of 20 years of war was a standoff, culminating in a peace treaty, cemented by royal inter-marriage, which lasted for a century.
By the late thirteenth century B.C., Mycenaean Greece was showing signs of serious trouble. Mycenaean states fought one another while major earthquakes caused widespread damage. In the twelfth century B.C., new waves of Greek-speaking invaders moved into Greece from the north. By 1100 B.C., Mycenaean civilization had collapsed.
it would be Ghana
What is two major religions in Honduras? What is two major religions in Honduras? What is two major religions in Honduras?
Ghana emerged as one of the major trading states in the area south of the Sahara in the 8th century. Ghana's trade was based in ivory, gold, and kola nuts.
During the 8th century, Baghdad was a major trade hub as well as a center of learning for many people. Among the things that were traded there were clothing, spices, porcelain, vegetables, and fabrics
There are quite a few major religions that can be practiced in Houston, Texas. These religions include but are not limited to Christianity.
Among the major world religions, Sikhism is the most recently originated religion. It was founded in the 15th century in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent by Guru Nanak. Sikhism emphasizes the belief in one God, equality of all humans, and the importance of selfless service.
Jerusalem is the city with the three major religions.
AnswerIslam, Christianity and Buddhism are the three major religions of the worldIslam, Christianity, Hinduism
Catholic religions are available in Panama.
All of the major religions of the world, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Shintoism, etc., existed by the 18th century and indeed, had existed for many centuries or millennia by that time.
Out of the four major world religions Hindus worship in a Temple