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they both went to the underworld andd they also both went to the greek sides of the god.

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they are love and death myths

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How are echo and narcissus different?

For one thing Echo was a girl and Narcissus was a boy. Another thing was that Narcissus was very cruel to Echo.

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There are actually four main characters in the story of Echo and Narcissus: Zeus, Hera, Echo, Narcissus.

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Some examples of short mythological stories include "Pandora's Box" from Greek mythology, "The Tale of the White Serpent" from Chinese mythology, and "The Creation of the World" from various cultural mythologies around the world.

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The nymph that was spurned by Narcissus was Echo.

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Echo fades, Narcissus dies and becomes the flower we know today.

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An example of myths?

Some Greek myths include Prometheus, Pandora's box, Persephone and Hades, Echo and Narcissus, Arachne, Pygmalion and Galatea, King Midas and the golden touch, Orpheus and Eurydice, Jason and the golden fleece and Daedalus and Icarus.

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Is Echo a girl or boy?

Echo is a girl. Narcissus is a boy. Echo could only repeat the last words. Narcissus died.

Who punishes Echo and why in Echo and Narcissus from Ovid's?

Hera punished Echo, for aiding and abetting Zeus in his infidelity. Aphrodite punished Narcissus for breaking Echo's heart.