Zeus- God of Kings & Sky
Poseidon- God of the Sea
Hades- God of the Underworld
Ares- God of War
Athena- Goddess of Wisdom
Aphrodite- Goddess of Beauty & Love
Hephaestus- God of the Forges (of technology in general and of volcanoes)
Dionysus- God of Wine
Hera- God of Queens and Marriage (Zeus' Wife)
Demeter- Goddess of the Harvest
Hermes- God of Thieves and Travelers
Artemis- Goddess of the Hunt
Apollo- God of the Sun (of music, too)
Primordial deitiesProtogenoi
Chaos · Chronos · Ananke · Eros/Phanes · Gaia · Uranus · Pontus/Thalassa ·Tartarus · Aether · Hemera · Erebus ·Nyx · Ophion
Moirai (Fates)
Clotho · Lachesis · Atropos
Titan deitiesTitanes
Oceanus · Hyperion · Coeus · Cronus · Crius · Iapetus
Tethys · Theia · Phoebe · Rhea ·Mnemosyne · Themis
Helios · Selene · Eos
Leto · Asteria
Astraios · Pallas · Perses
Atlas · Prometheus · Epimetheus ·Menoetius
Olympian deitiesDodekatheon
Zeus · Hera · Poseidon · Demeter ·Hestia · Aphrodite · Apollo · Ares ·Artemis · Athena · Hephaestus · Hermes
Theoi Olympioi
Dionysus · Heracles · Asclepius · Eros · Iris · Hebe · Eileithyia · Enyo · Phobos · Deimos · Harmonia ·Ganymede
Mousai (Muses)
Calliope · Clio · Erato · Euterpe ·Melpomene · Polyhymnia · Terpsichore · Thalia · Urania
Charites (Graces)
Aglaea · Euphrosyne · Thalia
Horae (Hours)
Dike · Eunomia · Eirene
Nike · Kratos · Bia · Zelos
Oceanic deitiesTheoi Halioi
Poseidon · Amphitrite · Triton · Oceanus · Tethys · Pontus/Thalassa · Nereus ·Glaucus · Proteus · Phorcys · Ceto ·Thetis
Doris · Metis · Tyche · Eurynome ·Clymene
Amphitrite · Thetis · Galatea
Chthonic deitiesTheoi Khthonioi
Hades · Persephone · Gaia · Demeter · Hecate
Erinyes (Furies)
Alecto · Tisiphone · Megaera
Hecatonchires · Cyclopes · Gigantes ·Kouretes · Meliae · Telkhines · Typhon
Iacchus · Trophonius · Triptolemus ·Orpheus · Minos · Aeacus · Rhadamanthys
Athena, Artemis, Zeus, Posiedon, Hera, Hermes, Ares, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, Dionysus (Hestia gave up her throne to him but she is still considered an Olympian in some lists), Apollo and Demeter.
Hades is the god of the underworld (with his wife Persephone,daughter of Demeter) and is the brother of Posiedon and Zeus.
Cupid is the son of Ares and Aphrodite even though Aphrodite is married to Hephaestus.
There were many different Greek gods and goddesses but the 12 Olympians (some will say 14 so ill put them all on here) were hestia, Demeter, dionysus, hades, Apollo, ares, Hermes, hephaestus, Zeus, poseidon, aphrodite, artermis, Athena, and hera
The gods and goddesses in Greek mythology are sorta like human, because they have human qualituies, i.e thay loves, fought ect like humans, but the difference was that they were immortal.
There were ALOT of gods and goddesses in Greek mythology, like hundreds! But there were 12 who were the main ones and the others were just minor gods or goddesses. The twelve were called the Olympians, cuz they lived in a Palace on the tallest mountain in Greece, month Olympus. They all were descened from Kronos, this Titan dude who used to reign before the gods took over
The Twelve were:
1. Zeus, king of the gods, god of the Sky, Kronos's son
2. Hera, Queen of the gods, goddess of marriage, love, family and childbirith. She was Zeus's husband
3. Athena, goddess of wisdom and warfare, child of Zeus with some other chick called Metis. she's a virgin goddess
4. Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, wife of Hephaestus and sometimes regareded as Zeus's daughter with someone called Dione
5. Ares - god of war, son of Zeus and Hera and was usally sleeping with Aphrodite
6. Hephaestus, god of fire and the forges, Aphrodite's husband, but she didn;'t like him cuz he was UGLY
7. Artemis - goddess of the hunt, young girls and the moon and also a virgin goddess, daughter of Zeus and Leto and twins with Apollo
8. Apollo - god of the sun, medicine, music, prophosies and oracles, twin of Artemis
9. Hermes - god of Theives, travellers and roads, son of -- surprise, surprise -- Zeus and some OTHER chick named Maia
10.Demter - goddess of agroculture and nature fertilty and Zeus sister but that didn;t stop them from banging each other...
11. Poseidon - god of the sea, and bro of Zeus
12. Dionysus - god of wine, another son of Zeus with ANOTHER chick called Semele, but he was different, cuz he wasn;t a god form birth, but he invented wine, and the gods were so impressed that he was turned into a god
Zeus:god of the skies and king of all gods
Hades: god of the under wold, riches, and death
Posiden: god of the seas
Hermes: god of travelers and thieves
Aphrodite goddess of beauty and love
Hephaestus: god of metal, forge, and fire
Hera: goddess of marriage
Apollo: god of Archery, poems, and song
Artimes: goddess of archery and hunting
Ares: the god of war
Dynosios: the god of wine
Athena: the goddess of wisdom
Hesta: the goddess of the heart
Iris: the goddess of rainbows and messages
Janus: god of doors and keys
Heaktate: the god of magic
Greek mythology originated in ancient Greece and is a collection of myths and stories about gods, goddesses, and heroes. There is some evidence to suggest that Greek mythology may have been influenced by Egyptian mythology, as there are similarities between certain gods and stories in both mythologies. However, the exact extent of this influence is still debated among scholars.
with some weird names like zeus=jupiter with some planets
Most of the male gods and some heros
It depends on which mythology or lore you speak of, there are many ancient cultures that had gods and goddesses, they number in some cases well into the thousands.
In Greek mythology, the gods did not die in the same way as mortals. Instead, they were immortal beings who could not be killed. However, some myths suggest that the gods could lose their power or be overthrown by other gods or beings.
In Greek mythology, the nine what were the patron-goddesses of the arts.
Here are some of the Greek gods and goddesses (feel free to add to this list):ZeusPoseidonHadesHeraAthenaHestiaArtemisAresHermesKronosDemeterPersephoneAphrodite
There are no modern goddesses of Greek mythology, it is mythology that dates back to ancient Greece.
His Greek name was Ares. There are some people who think that Ares and Mars were two separate Gods, but in truth, the Romans ripped off most of the Gods and Goddesses from the Greeks.
In Greek mythology the gods and goddesses are subject to feelings, to the point that some of them personify certain feelings, like love, envy, anger, and misery.
Greek mythology originated in ancient Greece and is a collection of myths and stories about gods, goddesses, and heroes. There is some evidence to suggest that Greek mythology may have been influenced by Egyptian mythology, as there are similarities between certain gods and stories in both mythologies. However, the exact extent of this influence is still debated among scholars.
It varies across different mythologies and belief systems. Some contenders for the most powerful goddess include Isis from Egyptian mythology, Kali from Hindu mythology, and Athena from Greek mythology. Each goddess is associated with different domains of power and authority.
Some popular books about classical mythology include "Mythology" by Edith Hamilton, "Theogony and Works and Days" by Hesiod, and "Metamorphoses" by Ovid. Each of these books offers a comprehensive look at Greek and Roman myths, gods, and heroes.
Angel means "messenger", and some gods and goddesses of Greek myth were depicted with wings.
Athena - God of love and beauty
Read Sherrilyn Kenyon's Acheron, it has a lot of Greek Gods and Goddesses, same with the rest of the Dark-Hunter series, and some of the Dream-Hunter.