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Athena: Greek Goddess of wisdom Aphrodite: Greek Goddess of beauty Hera: Greek Goddess of children and marriage Artemis: Greek Goddess of hunting Hestia: Greek Goddess of the hearth Demeter: Greek Goddess of grain Pandora: the first woman formed out of clay by the gods.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

Kallipetreia, Athena, Agnethas, and Anastacia. Not sure about boys names.

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Q: What are some names of boys and girls from ancient Greece?
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In ancient Greece why did boys get olives and girls get wool?

Where they worked - the girls wove cloth, the boys worked on the farm.

How were boys and girls taught music in ancient Greece?

By their parents at home.

Did only boys go to school in Greece?

Yes, in ancient Greece girls were taught by their mothers and boys would either learn their father's trade or go to school.

What was education like in ancient Greece?

boys are the only ones who can got to school and the girls can only attend in wrestling and gymnastics

In ancient Greece did only boys go to school and girls stay at home?

In Sparta ate age 7 boys and girls went to training, but then at age 15 girls married. In Athens ate age 7 only boys went to training which included education and girls stayed home.

What did the boys of ancient Greece write on?

the boys used writing tablets.

Is cinnamon a boys or girls name?

Both! Girls and boys. A name for boys in ancient egypt :-)

What is the difference between a girls Roman name and a boys Roman name?

In Ancient Rome, girls' names typically ended in "-a" or had a feminine suffix like "-ia" or "-illa," while boys' names often ended in "-us" or had masculine suffixes like "-ius" or "-o." Some common examples are Julia for girls and Julius for boys.

What children study in Ancient Greece?

sparta girls whent to school but not ordanary girls di natral girls would just stay at home and do the work, the boys just whent to school as normal

Did ancient Indian boys and girls go to school?

not girls

How did a girl's life in Ancient Greece differ from a boys life?

A girl could not go to school and had to stay at home while the boys went to school(exception of Sparta). Girls were mainly not allowed outside as the boys were(exception of Sparta)

What sports do they play in Greece?

Some of the sports played in Ancient Greece included discus-throwing, wrestling, and long-jumping.