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Q: What are some of the greek gods names that start with b?
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What are some Greek names of Greek gods?

Some primordial gods in upper case Greek. ΧΑΟΣ, ΟΥΡΑΝΟΣ, ΝΥΞ, ΗΜΕΡΑ , ΕΡΩΣ, ΕΡΕΒΟΣ, ΝΕΜΕΣΙΣ, ΕΡΙΣ, ΥΠΝΟΣ, ΑΠΑΤΗ

How do you memorize the Greek gods and goddesses?

with some weird names like zeus=jupiter with some planets

What were some of the names of the Greek gods?

Some names of Greek gods are Zeus(Jupiter), Apollo, Venus, Mercury, Athena, Pluto,Saturn,Uranus,Neptune Addition: Some of the names above are Roman, not Greek: (Venus) Aphrodite, (Mercury) Hermes, (Pluto) Hades, (Saturn) Cronus, (Neptune) Poseidon. On Mt. Olympus there were also Hera, Demeter, Ares and Dionysus.

What are some greek mythology names?

Gods: Hera, Hades, Hestia, Demeter, Poseidon, Zeus.

Why was Neptune named Roman god of the sea the Greek version was Poseidon?

The Roman gods were there, with names and stories. When the Romans got closer contact with the Greeks, they found the the Greek gods were similar and incorporated some of the Greek stories into their own.

How many Olympians are there?

There are 12 Greek Olympians. Their names are:ZeusPosideonAresHephaestusApolloArtemisHermesAphroditeAthenaHeraDemeterDionysus (or) HestiaYou could include HadesBut, there are over 12 Greek Gods. Some examples

What are some human Greek mythology names of gods?

Selene: goddess of the moon. Selene, Silena, Selena, etc.

Why was Aries given the name Aries?

1. A myths created by the people of Greek.2. Some people thought that the Greek gods made those names.

What are some god names that start with a s?

Aphrodite (goddess of beauty and love) in greek and Venus in Roman Artemis (goddess of the hunt) in Greek and Diana in Roman Athena (goddess of wisdom and war craft) in Greek and Minerva in Roman Apollo (god of medicine and music and oracle god) in Greek and same in Roman Ares (god of war) in Greek and Mars in Roman. None of the Roman names start with an "A" except Apollo but five of the Greek names do. Allah oh and Aeollus.... I believe he is one of the wind gods.

Why do you think the Romans gave the Greek gods and goddesses new names?

They didn't give then "new" names. They combined their existing mythos with that of the Greeks, replacing Greek names with Latin when appropriate. Some, like Apollo and Prometheus, had names that already worked, so they weren't changed.

Why do you think the Romans gave the greek gods and goddess new names?

They didn't give then "new" names. They combined their existing mythos with that of the Greeks, replacing Greek names with Latin when appropriate. Some, like Apollo and Prometheus, had names that already worked, so they weren't changed.