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it irrigates less area.

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Advantages and disadvantages of shaduf?

The shaduf basically distributed the burden over the body by splitting the upward lifting and the downward pulling work. It also allowed more powerful muscles a larger role which reduced fatigue but it irrigates less

What is the 3 parts of a shaduf?

people. shadoof is a funny word

Why was the Egyptian shaduf important?

A shaduf is an irrigation tool. The shaduf is important for traditional water techniques.

What are the three parts of a shaduf?

what are the three parts of a shaduf

What does a shaduf look like?

This is what a shaduf looks like

In what country did shaduf originate?

the shaduf originated in ancient eygpt.

What simiple machine is a shaduf?

the shaduf is an example of an inclined plane

What are some words about ancient Egypt?

Farming, crops, hoeing, low stools, shaduf Farming, crops, hoeing, low stools, shaduf Farming, crops, hoeing, low stools, shaduf

How is a shaduf made out of?


When was the shaduf made?

in 6969 bc

What is a Shaduf made from?

Love LOL

What country is the shaduf used in?

in egypt