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Florentine Renaissance architectural characteristics:

  • a Hellenistic approach to new structures
  • secret passageways and spacious rooms for nobles
  • Afresci or frescos considered very high status: on walls or ceiling
  • cross shaped cathedrals built

Each of these characteristics can be found in Florentine architecture: some will recognize prominent examples of buildings with these precise points.( For example, the Palazzo Vecchio, Santa Croce, or Santa Maria Novella.)

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Raphael and Botticelli both painted during the Renaissance period;

the Renaissance (or rebirth) sought to bring back the beautiful stylings of the ancient Greeks in art and literature.

Raphael, Botticellii, and other Italian painters of the renaissance focused on

  • Realism
  • Perspective
  • Classicism
  • Individualism
  • Composition
  • Light and Shadow

Paintings often showed beautiful images of either religious or mythological scenes. Soft edges were used and the human figure was idealized to a high standard of beauty. Boticellis "The Birth of Venus" shows mythological figures with Venus' eyes serenely downcast and her face relaxed and amiable. Raphaels iconic Cherubs also gaze not at the viewer but off into the distance, this is a decidedly less confrontational expression.

Other Italian painters at the time with the same stylings include Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel. Adam appears serene and beautifully defined as he stretches to meet the hand of God. Leonardo Davinci painted The Mona Lisa utilizing linear perspective (showing the image going back into the canvas) and light to create the iconic "Triangle Configuration" and to portray the ever knowing "Mona Lisa Smile."

Raphael and Botticelli both painted realistically, with similair themes, and conformed to the ideals of the renaissance movement. In short they strived to re-evoke a passion and appreciation for the beauty in their subjects and to show only the most beautiful elements at their disposal.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Basically they were 2-D and were inaccurate and they were obviously based on a religious theme=> this is the PRE- Renaissance

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