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Q: What are the key cultural achievements of ancient Egypt?
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What are three things that led to the growth of government in ancient Egypt?

What are three things that led to the growth of Egypt.

How did the environment assist the Egyptians?

Cause they think that the down teen in each obove that the physical cumincation should be personal

Who were Ancient Egyptian Farmers?

The ancient egyptain working class was made up of farmers, merchants, and other laborers. The farmers played a large role in society and played a key role in the Bible as well. Even though the country of Egypt is assosiated with being hot and a desert the area of near the Nile river was quite fertile. Farmers often had planted crops near this area. They grew grain, cotton, grapes. Dates were popular and were grown as well. However dates often gave the egyptains tooth decay (found on their teeth when examied). They made bread and also raised animals. they stored their grain in warehouses as well as traded it with other countries.

How has Egypt influenced our modern societies?

Ancient Egypt is generally considered the first civilization to make use of the sciences, including math and medical uses. The ancient Egyptians were skilled pyramid builders, and history shows that they definitely had the information on the area and geometry of the pyramids. Land measurement was also used, as when the Nile River flooded, the water erased the boundaries between the farmers' fields. Priests used the measurement of the depth of the Nile to decide how many taxes would be charged among the working and peasent classes. Egyptians were the first people to figure out how to make bread rise by adding yeast to the dough. The alphabet is said to have been influenced by Egyptian hieroglyphs, which used 24 symbols for consonants, along with many other symbols. Our 365 day calendar probably has its origins in ancient Egypt. The Egyptians figured out a 360 day calendar based on the various religious festivals and feasts throughout the year. They also split the year into 12 months. Ancient Egypt already had ways to measure time by the light from morning, afternoon, and night. Sundials were built to measure time, using the shadow from the angle of the sun's light to mark the time. Ancient Egypt is credited with the inventions of many accessories. Scissors, combs, toothbrushes and toothpaste, plus the lock and key, the weaving loom, drums, and the first oil lamps. Religions around the world may have had their roots influenced by Egyptian beliefs. Egyptians believed in gods/higher beings, and many religions have this as their basis. Ancient Egyptians also loved entertainment. Board games with pieces and dice were played, and drama possibly showed up in the Egyptians' daily life. The world's first fairytale is rumoured to have been created by the ancient Egyptians. Our modern society has many objects, inventions, thoughts, concepts and technology that can be traced back to ancient Egypt.

What are the key aspects of the ancient Egyptian sun god Ra's mythology and significance?

Ancient Egyptian sun god Ra was a powerful deity associated with the sun, creation, and life. Ra was believed to travel across the sky in a solar barque, bringing light and warmth to the world. He was also associated with kingship and was often depicted with a falcon head and a sun disk on his head. Ra's mythology emphasized his role in creating the world and maintaining order in the universe. He was one of the most important gods in ancient Egyptian religion and his worship was widespread throughout Egypt.

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Humanism was a key intellectual movement during the Renaissance. It emphasized the study of classical literature, history, and philosophy, as well as a focus on the potential and achievements of individuals. Humanist thinkers aimed to revive and cultivate knowledge from ancient times, helping to spark the cultural and intellectual flourishing of the Renaissance period.

What are two examples of how the Nile shaped Ancient Egypt?

The Nile shaped ancient Egypt with its triangular shape,and its long river that is flowing across countries

What does ancient Egypt gods hold in there hands?

they held a key of worship

What supported farming in ancient Egypt?

The Nile river, which was very useful for irrigation supported farming in ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians made canals that connected directly to the Nile. They then made sluices that gave water from the canals to farms. Farming was the key to the development of Egyptian civilization.

How did ancient Egyptians make the ankh?

the ankh also know as the key of life is made out of gold and was first made in 1671

What object discovered by the french in 1799 was the key to deciphering ancient hieroglyphs?

The Rosetta stone-found in Egypt, now in british museum.

What were some of the key achievements of Meroe?

Some of the key achievements of the Kingdom of Meroe include the establishment of a prosperous trade network, particularly in iron and luxury goods such as gold and ivory. Meroe also developed a unique written script called Meroitic, which is still not fully deciphered. Additionally, the kingdom had a strong military and expanded its territory, becoming a regional power in ancient Africa.

What in Rome Egypt Phoenicia began along the shores of the sea?

Trade and commerce were key activities that began in ancient Rome, Egypt, and Phoenicia along the shores of the sea. These civilizations established thriving maritime economies, with extensive networks of ports and trade routes. They traded goods such as agricultural products, precious metals, textiles, and luxury items, which fueled their economic growth and cultural exchange with other regions.

Where was the first lock and key invented?

the first door lock was invented over 4000 years ago by the egyptians no one knows who invented the lock the only information we have is that it comes from central Egypt it comes from ancient Egypt not central Egypt

What was the name of the Egypt key?


How did Isis operate in Ancient Egypt?

Isis/ruler.Lesser Mortals came to her. Love, Justice, Equality, Fairness and Honesty were above all her key Mayan/Egyptian qualities of faith.Romance.Brave.Swift.IQhigh.

What is a list of the key targets and achievements during review period?

The key targets and achievements vary based on the organization you work for. For some organizations reaching a certain level of customer service surveys is an achievement.