you forgot aphrodite. goddess of love. :)
I am sorry to say that the Greek gods are almost innumerable. To have an idea, click the link below and see all the names in the menu!
There are actually more than three Greek Gods.. The three MAJOR Greek Gods are Poseidon, the God of the water and sea, Hades, the God of the Underworld and darkness, and Zeus, king of the Gods, and the sky God.
There are none
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Gods from Greek Mythology:AphroditeApolloArtemisAthenaDionysusHeraHermesPoseidonZeus
The ancient Greek Gods did not have second (or family) names.
If you mean the three main Greek Gods: Zeus, Poseidon and Hades. Their Roman counterparts are Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto.
The Greek gods have 2 names because they are known in both Greek AND Roman mythology, only in differant names.
Greek or Romans ?
Yes all names have capitals
The Romans based their gods on the Greek gods and only changed the names.
Yes they were named after Greek gods. They are the same gods same power but different names. The most important gods are named after planets
I am sorry to say that the Greek gods are almost innumerable. To have an idea, click the link below and see all the names in the menu!
There are actually more than three Greek Gods.. The three MAJOR Greek Gods are Poseidon, the God of the water and sea, Hades, the God of the Underworld and darkness, and Zeus, king of the Gods, and the sky God.
Elements got their names from their latin names,greek gods,or from the names of the persons who discovered them.