Transhistorical connections are connections between two things in history that really don't seem to go together. For example, the connection between democracy and Marxism.
the king of the land.
Meaning Hell, yes, if you mean the souls currently there. But, otherwise, unless you have sold your soul to Satan, I don't believe any living humans have connections in Hades.
It is a modern mistake to call Hades "Hell".
The distance and importance of trade connections
In Star Trek there is an alien called Vulcan. Spock is a Vulcan.
Transhistorical Connections are the connections of the past and the present in art, creating historical bridges.
what are the difference between Interdisciplinary connections o Cultural cross currents o Transhistorical connections
trans·his·tor·i·caladj\ˌtran(t)s-(h)is-ˈtȯr-i-kəl, ˌtranz-, -ˈtär-\Definition of TRANSHISTORICAL: transcending historical bounds First Known Use of TRANSHISTORICAL1909 BrowseNext Word in the Dictionary: transhumance Previous Word in the Dictionary: transhipAll Words Near: transhistorical
The purpose of Staging Connections is to create and lead events and conventions. You can get more information about Staging Connections at the Staging Connections website.
Roller connections only have one force acting on them, while pinned connections have two.
There are love connections in Twilight.
Invisible Connections was created in 1985.
Connections Academy was created in 2001.
Creole Connections was created in 1986.
Underground Connections was created in 2001.
Connections - journal - was created in 2002.
There are no specific connections.