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jericho and catal huyuk

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Q: What are two well-known Neolithic communities?
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What are two well- known Neolithic communities?

Two well known neolithic communities are Sumeria and Mesopotamia.

What are facts about a communties in the Neolithic Age?

Communities in the Neolithic Age were typically agrarian societies that settled in permanent villages. They practiced agriculture, domesticated animals, and developed pottery and weaving skills. Social structures were based on kinship ties, with some communities developing early forms of religion and burial rituals.

What is the difference between the paleolithic communities and Neolithic communities?

== == The difference between the palaeolithic communities and the neolithic communities is that the palaeolithic communities has to do with the early part of Stone age(the very early period of human history when tools and weapons were made of stone)while the neolithic communities is connected with the latter part of the Stone age.

What were two ways that the neolithic people adapted to their environment?

they built permanent shelters and formed larger communities and made better tools and clothing

Facts about communities in the Neolithic age?

In the Neolithic age, communities were typically organized around agriculture, with people settling in permanent villages and domesticating plants and animals. The development of agriculture led to a more sedentary lifestyle, allowing for population growth and the emergence of social stratification. Neolithic communities also engaged in trade, built megalithic structures, and developed pottery and other crafts.

How did the agricultural revolution of the Neolithic Age affect lifestyle?

It Created Settled Communities, :)

What advantage. Did Neolithic people get from working together in communities?

they got to grow crops together

What is a negative effect of the growth of communities during the neolithic age?

One negative effect of the growth of communities during the Neolithic Age was the potential for increased competition over resources, leading to conflicts and warfare between groups. This could have disrupted social systems and resulted in instability within these growing communities.

Why did people live in larger communities during the Neolithic Age than in earlier?

During the Neolithic Age, the development of agriculture allowed for a more stable food supply, which in turn supported larger populations. This led to the formation of larger communities as people began to settle in one place to tend to their crops and livestock. Additionally, advancements in technology, such as better tools for farming and building, made it easier for people to live together in larger groups.

Why was farming important to the neolithic people?

Farming was important to Neolithic people because it allowed for a more stable and reliable food supply, which in turn led to the development of larger and more settled communities. This shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture also led to the development of more complex societies and the beginnings of civilization.

How did the neolithic revolution contribute to the development of the river valley civilizations?

It allowed people to establish permanent farming communities.

How did trade help Neolithic people make stronger tools?

Trade hepled Neolithic people make stronger tools by getting special materials such as obsidian from other areas (communities, or villages)